Structure a Guide in the Guide Tree

A Guide is structured as a hierarchy, or tree, that organizes the content into logical, related groups of fields and text. Structure your Guide to create the appropriate effect for the Guide fillers.

The Guide tree consists of the following types of containers:

A Guide is the highest level container. A Guide can contain multiple sections and panels, and it controls how Guide fillers interact with the contents. You can also add Help text or video for a Guide.

Within a Guide, create one or more sections that contain panels for displaying information to Guide fillers. Use sections to organize the panels into logical, related groups.

Panels are containers into which you add controls, either from the data model or from Guide-specific controls that are available in the editor. Using the properties associated with panels, you can also add Help text or video, display rules, or navigation rules to a panel. You can use display rules to create optional panels that appear only when required.

When the Guide is rendered, the section and panel structure appears in the navigation area of the Guide layout. The Guide filler uses the tree to navigate through the Guide. When the Guide filler clicks a panel name in the navigation area, the associated data entry panel appears.

Adding, moving, and deleting sections and panels

When you create a Guide, it contains one section and one panel by default. Use the Guide Tree view to add sections and panels.

In the Guide tree, use the horizontal placement indicators when you move items in the tree.

Hinweis: The first panel in a repeating section must not be optional or hidden, because it may show up in the navigation panel. If necessary, create a welcome or introductory panel that is always displayed as the first panel.

Add a section to the Guide tree

 In the Guide Tree view, right-click the Guide and select New Section.

Add a panel to the Guide tree

 In the Guide Tree view, right-click a section and select New Panel.

Move a section, panel, or control in the Guide tree

  • In the Guide Tree view, drag the section, panel, or control to a new location in the tree.

  • To move a panel to the bottom of the Guide Tree view, collapse the bottom panel. The insertion marker does not appear below the bottom panel when that panel is expanded.

Create a nested section

You can create a nested section only if the parent section does not contain any panels. If there are already panels in the parent section, this procedure creates a section at the same level in the Guide hierarchy.

 In the Guide Tree view, right-click the section that you want to nest a section under, and select New Section.

Create a nested panel

You can create a nested panel in the editor. For information about creating nested panels, see Adding items in the editor.

Delete a section or panel

 In the Guide Tree view, select a section or panel and press Delete.