Preview a Guide

Preview a Guide to test the Guide features, such as navigation and functionality. You can preview a Guide with sample data, and you can specify the locale that you want to preview.

Preview a Guide

  1. In the Guide Tree, select the Guide.

  2. In the Guide Properties view, locate the Preview Settings.

  3. To preview the Guide with sample data, navigate to the sample data file.

  4. To preview the Guide for a specific locale, select the locale.

  5. In the editor, click Preview. The Guide renders in your default web browser.

    Hinweis: Depending on your Microsoft Internet Explorer security settings, you can manually allow Guides to be displayed each time you preview a Guide. To disable this behavior in Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options > Advanced and, under Security, select Allow Active Content To Run In Files On My Computer.

Previewing Guides that use extensions

When previewing Guides that contain Guide extensions, consider the following guidelines:

  • The Guide needs two versions of each extensions file. For the runtime Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.5 SDK. For the design-time Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.1 SDK, and then add “_designtime” to the filename. For example, if the runtime file is named myextensions.swc, name the design-time file myextensions_designtime.swc.

  • Ensure that you have the debugging version of Flash® Player installed to assist with debugging Guide extensions. The debugging version of Flash Player provides detailed warning and error messages to Help troubleshoot ActionScript-related issues. To download the debugging version of Flash Player, go to, click the Flash Player icon and then, on the right pane, click Additional Downloads.

  • You cannot preview Guide extensions from SWC files that include double-byte characters in the SWC filename. Rename double-byte SWC filenames to use single-byte characters to preview the extensions correctly.

  • By default, the model always provides the default value for a control, including custom controls created in Flash Builder. The binding to the model overwrites any default values you define while creating your control in Flash Builder. To change this behavior, remove the binding for the Data source property of the custom control.

For more information about Guide extensions, see Customizing Guides Using Flash Builder.