Walkthrough: Creating a Guide

This walkthrough illustrates the steps involved to create a Guide from an existing data model (FML).

Before you begin

Before you create a Guide, ensure that you completed the following tasks:

  • Correctly installed Workbench and ensured that you have access to a LiveCycle Server.

  • In Workbench, either created a new local application or retrieved a remote application, in which you create the Guide.

  • Ensured that you have access to a valid model in Workbench. You can either drag a model into your local application or access a model from a remote application.

When you have completed these tasks, you can begin creating a Guide.

Hinweis: This walkthrough uses a simple model named address.fml that is stored in a model folder within a local application. The model defines a single entity with properties that define simple address information. The following XML defines the model:
<model xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/Fiber/1.0"> 
    <entity name="AddressEntity" persistent="true"> 
        <annotation name="VisualModeler"> 
            <item name="width">115</item> 
            <item name="height">110</item> 
            <item name="x">10</item> 
            <item name="y">10</item> 
        <id name="id" type="integer"/> 
        <property name="street" type="string"/> 
        <property name="city" type="string"/> 
        <property name="state" type="string"/> 
        <property name="zipcode" type="string"/> 

Step 1: Create a Guide

When you have a LiveCycle application and a valid model, you can create a Guide by using the New Guide wizard.

  1. Start Workbench.

  2. If it is not already selected, switch to the Guide Design perspective.

  3. Click File > New > Guide.

  4. Assign the Guide a unique name, description, and folder location within your application (for example, type the Guide values in the following list), and then click Next.

    • Name: AddressExample

    • Description:Walkthrough creating a Guide example

    • Location:/SampleGuide/1.0/Guides

    Hinweis: In this case, a Guides folder was created as a subfolder of the SampleGuide application.
  5. Select the model to base the Guide on and choose the node within the model to use as the root (for example, type the values in the following list) and then click Finish.

    • Enter or select an asset: /SampleGuide/1.0/Data Models/address.fml

    • Adobe Data Model Root Node:AddressEntity

    Hinweis: In this case, a Data Model folder was created as a subfolder of the SampleGuide application.

    You can now begin adding controls and formatting to your Guide.

Step 2: Add controls to the Guide

Add model items to your Guide from the Data Model view and controls from the toolbar in the editor.

Add controls to a Guide:

 In the Data Model view, drag the properties under the AddressEntity root node, onto the editor.

Now that you have controls on your Guide, you can preview the Guide in a web browser.

Step 3: Preview a Guide

 Click the Preview button at the top of the editor.

The Guide renders in your default web browser.

Hinweis: Depending on your Microsoft Internet Explorer security settings, you can manually allow Guides to be displayed each time you preview a Guide. To disable this behavior in Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security, and then select Allow Active Content To Run In Files On My Computer.

Step 4: Deploy a Guide as part of a process

In Workbench, deploy the Guide as part of a process (see Creating and managing processes).

Guides created in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench use the Guide Utilities operations.

Hinweis: Form guides created in Designer ES (version 8.x) are rendered using the Forms service.