Die Klassen des ga.views-Pakets definieren die Datenprovider, die Sätze, oder Ansichten, von Abschnitten und Bedienfeldern innerhalb eines Guide zurückgeben.
| Schnittstelle | Beschreibung |
| IGuideView |
The IGuideView interface provides a view to the guide sections and panels and
can be used as a data provider. |
| Klasse | Beschreibung |
| DynamicSectionView |
The DynamicSectionView class provides a dynamic list of the panels contained
within the currently selected section. |
| PanelListView |
The PanelListView class provides a dynamic list of visible panels within
a Guide. |
| SectionListView |
The SectionListView class provides a dynamic list of visible sections within
a Guide. |
| StaticSectionView |
The StaticSectionView class provides a dynamic list of the panels
contained within a section. |
| TreeView |
The TreeListView class provides the Guide sections and panels in a
tree structure that mimics the Guide tree created in the Guide Design perspective
within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:18 AM Z