New features in Correspondence Management

Manage Attachments

The Correspondence Management Solution lets you manage reusable attachments, such as legal documents and annexures, that may be associated with one or more letter templates. You can now upload an attachment, search for it, update it, or view all letter templates with which it is associated. For details, see Manage attachments.

Enhancements in Text Modules

Support for Inline Conditions

While working with text elements, you can now conditionalize inline pieces of text, such that they are displayed only when a specified Expression Manager condition is satisfied. For details, see Conditionalizing text.

French Spell Checker support

You can now use the Text Module editor to spell check text in French.

Conditional Module evaluates to multiple resultant modules

If a Conditional Module contains multiple expressions, then the modules where the expression has resulted to true will be returned from the Conditional Module evaluation.

Controlling Page Breaks

The Correspondence Management Solution includes the Page Break feature that allows you to specify page break settings in a letter, at the level of paragraph, text, group of texts, list, or condition. You can also use the page break settings to ensure that specific part of the letter appear on the same page (do not break across pages). For details, see Controlling page breaks in letters.

Auditing actions

The Correspondence Management Solution now supports logging of user-triggered or system-triggered actions for auditing purposes. For details, see Auditing actions.

Batch operations

The Batch Operations tab contains tools that allow you to perform batch operations for potentially long-running tasks in a Correspondence Management installation. For details, see Working with batches.

User Signature Image

The new agentSignatureImage DDE is a computed DDE representing the user’s signature image. For details, see Manage agent images.

Delivery Channels for Letter Instances

The Correspondence Management Solution now provides the following delivery options for Submitted Letter instances:

  • Save correspondence

  • Email correspondence

  • Print correspondence

  • Custom delivery

For details, see Associate Letter with Post Process.

Internationalization of Correspondence Management Solution

You can now localize display names and descriptions of the Data Dictionary, Data Dictionary Element, Layout, and Fragment Layout. You can also change the formatting of numeric and date files. For details, see Scenario: Internationalization of Correspondence Management Solution.

Deactivating a Letter

You can now deactivate a letter. This implies that if the letter is in Publish state, deactivating a letter causes it to move to the Ready To Publish state. Deactivating letter also removes letter completely from the Publish instance.

For details, see Deactivating a Letter

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