You can associate a letter with a PostProcess while authoring
the letter. Some default processes are already provided as part
of the LCA.
The LCA is packaged with the following out-of-the-box PostProcess
solutions that you can associate with a letter.
Default Print Dispatcher (CorrespondenceManagement/WrapperProcess/DefaultPrintDispatcher)
process prints the letter and its attachments in Post Script + Simplex mode.
The process gets the DefaultPrintURL from the SendToPrinter process.
Default Email Dispatcher (CorrespondenceManagement/WrapperProcess/DefaultEmailDispatcher)
use this post process, you need to first create a DD and associate
the letter with this DD.
The DD must have a DDE with name
DeliveryEmailAddress. The sample data must have the email address
of the user to whom the correspondence is to be mailed.
other fields of the email are hard-coded in the process to:
- Body
- This is an auto generated email from Correspondence Management. Please
do not reply to this email.
- Format
- Subject
- Email from Correspondence Management
Preference Based Dispatcher (CorrespondenceManagement/WrapperProcess/PreferenceBasedDispatcher)
use this post process, you first need to add a property, deliveryPreference, to
the agent user through the User Administration tab in CRX.
a user associates a letter with this post process, and you set the
deliveryPreference property to Print, the Default Print Dispatcher
post process is invoked.
However, if you set the deliveryPreference
property to Email, the Default Email Dispatcher post process is
Note: The Email and Print values of the deliveryPreference
property are case-sensitive.
To associate a letter with one of these post processes
Go to the Letter tab on the Publish instance.
Select the letter that you want to associate.
Note: You
can only select letters in the Complete state.
Choose Custom deliver.
In the Send to process dialog, select the process from the
drop-down list and click OK.
You can also associate these processes to a letter while you
are authroing the letter
Open the letter editor to create a new letter or update
an exiting letter.
In the Post process drop down, select the process and click
Render the letter.
Submit the letter.
As soon as you submit the letter, the associated post process
is invoked.
When you associate a custom post process with a letter, the post
process needs to be added to dsc.serviceWhiteList. To do
Go to http://[server]:[port]/lc/system/console/configMgr
Search for Adobe LiveCycle Client SDK Configuration.
Add the post process to the Service Name list and
click Save.
Note: If you do not perform the above steps, the following error
is encountered when you submit the letter:
Error in server logs on submit: com.adobe.icc.dbforms.exceptions.ICCException Access denied while attempting to invoke process: [Process Name]. ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set.