列印範例:多重頁面列印Flash Player 9 以及更新的版本,Adobe AIR 1.0 以及更新的版本 當列印的內容超過一頁時,您可以分別將每一個頁面與不同的 Sprite 建立關聯 (在本範例中,則為 sheet1 和 sheet2),然後為每一個 Sprite 使用 PrintJob.addPage()。下列程式碼將說明如何使用這項技巧: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.printing.PrintJob; import flash.printing.PrintJobOrientation; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.geom.Rectangle; public class PrintMultiplePages extends MovieClip { private var sheet1:Sprite; private var sheet2:Sprite; public function PrintMultiplePages():void { init(); printPages(); } private function init():void { sheet1 = new Sprite(); createSheet(sheet1, "Once upon a time...", {x:10, y:50, width:80, height:130}); sheet2 = new Sprite(); createSheet(sheet2, "There was a great story to tell, and it ended quickly.\n\nThe end.", null); } private function createSheet(sheet:Sprite, str:String, imgValue:Object):void { sheet.graphics.beginFill(0xEEEEEE); sheet.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000); sheet.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 200); sheet.graphics.endFill(); var txt:TextField = new TextField(); txt.height = 200; txt.width = 100; txt.wordWrap = true; txt.text = str; if (imgValue != null) { var img:Sprite = new Sprite(); img.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); img.graphics.drawRect(imgValue.x, imgValue.y, imgValue.width, imgValue.height); img.graphics.endFill(); sheet.addChild(img); } sheet.addChild(txt); } private function printPages():void { var pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); var pagesToPrint:uint = 0; if (pj.start()) { if (pj.orientation == PrintJobOrientation.LANDSCAPE) { throw new Error("Page is not set to an orientation of portrait."); } sheet1.height = pj.pageHeight; sheet1.width = pj.pageWidth; sheet2.height = pj.pageHeight; sheet2.width = pj.pageWidth; try { pj.addPage(sheet1); pagesToPrint++; } catch (error:Error) { // Respond to error. } try { pj.addPage(sheet2); pagesToPrint++; } catch (error:Error) { // Respond to error. } if (pagesToPrint > 0) { pj.send(); } } } } } |