適用於 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 參考
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spark.utils 套件包含 Spark 公用程式類別。

 BitmapUtil This class provides bitmap-related utility functions
 DataItem The DataItem class represents a dynamic object with bindable properties.
 LabelUtil The LabelUtil class is used by components to determine the correct text to display for their renderers or sub-parts.
 MultiDPIBitmapSource This class provides a list of bitmaps for various runtime densities.
 TextFlowUtil TextFlowUtil is a utility class which provides methods for importing a TextFlow from, and exporting a TextFlow to, the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.

[ X ]為什麼顯示英文?
「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容是以英文顯示

並非所有「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容都翻譯為所有語言。當語言元素未翻譯時,就會以英文顯示。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別並沒有翻譯為任何語言。因此在參考的繁體中文版本中,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別就會以英文顯示。