com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain 套件包含 TaskManager 服務及其支援類別的介面定義。此外,這個套件還包含類別可使用與 TaskManager 服務整合的 Document Services 功能。
| 介面 | 說明 |
| IAttachment |
The interface for attachments returned by the IAttachmentManager class. |
| IAttachmentPermissions |
The interface for the permissions associated with attachments. |
| ILCTask |
The interface for using and integrating with tasks from the Document Server. |
| ITask |
The interface for task objects that are managed by the ITaskManager API. |
| ITaskProperty |
The ITaskProperty class defines the interface for creating classes that store custom task properties. |
| ITaskPropertyDefinition |
The interface defines the custom task type property definitions. |
| 類別 | 說明 |
| TaskProperty |
The TaskProperty class defines the values of custom task properties. |
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