
Flash Player 9 和更高版本,Adobe AIR 1.0 和更高版本

对任何显示对象进行的最基本操作是确定显示对象在屏幕上的位置。若要设置显示对象的位置,请更改对象的 x y 属性。

myShape.x = 17; 
myShape.y = 212;

显示对象定位系统将舞台视为一个笛卡尔坐标系(带有水平 x 轴和垂直 y 轴的常见网格系统)。坐标系的原点(x 和 y 轴相交的 0,0 坐标)位于舞台的左上角。从原点开始,x 轴的值向右为正,向左为负,而 y 轴的值向下为正,向上为负(与典型的图形系统相反)。例如,通过前面的代码行可以将对象 myShape 移到 x 轴坐标 17(原点向右 17 个像素)和 y 轴坐标 212(原点向下 212 个像素)。

默认情况下,当使用 ActionScript 创建显示对象时, x y 属性均设置为 0,从而可将对象放在其父内容的左上角。


x y 属性始终是指显示对象相对于其父显示对象坐标轴的 0,0 坐标的位置,记住这一点很重要。因此,对于包含在 Sprite 实例内的 Shape 实例(如圆),如果将 Shape 对象的 x y 属性设置为 0,则会将圆放在 Sprite 的左上角,该位置不一定是舞台的左上角。若要确定对象相对于全局舞台坐标的位置,可以使用任何显示对象的 globalToLocal() 方法将坐标从全局(舞台)坐标转换为本地(显示对象容器)坐标,如下所示:

// Position the shape at the top-left corner of the Stage,  
// regardless of where its parent is located. 
// Create a Sprite, positioned at x:200 and y:200. 
var mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); 
mySprite.x = 200; 
mySprite.y = 200; 
// Draw a dot at the Sprite's 0,0 coordinate, for reference. 
mySprite.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000); 
mySprite.graphics.moveTo(0, 0); 
mySprite.graphics.lineTo(1, 0); 
mySprite.graphics.lineTo(1, 1); 
mySprite.graphics.lineTo(0, 1); 
// Create the circle Shape instance. 
var circle:Shape = new Shape(); 
// Draw a circle with radius 50 and center point at x:50, y:50 in the Shape. 
circle.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000); 
circle.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 50); 
// Move the Shape so its top-left corner is at the Stage's 0, 0 coordinate. 
var stagePoint:Point = new Point(0, 0); 
var targetPoint:Point = mySprite.globalToLocal(stagePoint); 
circle.x = targetPoint.x; 
circle.y = targetPoint.y;

同样,也可以使用 DisplayObject 类的 localToGlobal() 方法将本地坐标转换为舞台坐标。


您可以在 ActionScript 中使用两种技术使用户可以使用鼠标来移动显示对象。在这两种情况下,会使用两个鼠标事件:按下鼠标按键时,通知对象跟随鼠标光标;松开鼠标按键时,通知对象停止跟随鼠标光标。

注: Flash Player 11.3 及更高版本,AIR 3.3 及更高版本:您也可以使用 MouseEvent.RELEASE_OUTSIDE 事件涵盖用户在包含 Sprite 的边界外释放鼠标按钮的情况。

第一种技术使用 startDrag() 方法,比较简单,但限制较多。按下鼠标按键时,将调用要拖动的显示对象的 startDrag() 方法。松开鼠标按键时,将调用 stopDrag() 方法。Sprite 类定义这两个功能,因此移动的对象必须是 Sprite 或它的子类。

// This code creates a mouse drag interaction using the startDrag() 
// technique. 
// square is a MovieClip or Sprite instance). 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
// This function is called when the mouse button is pressed. 
function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
// This function is called when the mouse button is released. 
function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); 
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);

这种方法有一个非常大的限制:使用 startDrag() 时,每次只能拖动一个项目。如果正在拖动一个显示对象,然后对另一个显示对象调用了 startDrag() 方法,则第一个显示对象会立即停止跟随鼠标。例如,如果 startDragging() 函数如下发生了更改,则只拖动 circle 对象,而不管 square.startDrag() 方法调用:

function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 

由于每次只能使用 startDrag() 拖动一个对象,因此,可以对任何显示对象调用 stopDrag() 方法,这会停止当前正在拖动的任何对象。

如果需要拖动多个显示对象,或者为了避免因多个对象可能使用 startDrag() 而发生冲突,最好使用鼠标跟随方法来创建拖动效果。通过这种技术,当按下鼠标按键时,会将函数作为舞台的 mouseMove 事件的侦听器来订阅。然后,每次鼠标移动时都会调用此函数,它将使所拖动的对象跳到鼠标所在的 x,y 坐标。松开鼠标按键后,取消此函数作为侦听器的订阅,这意味着鼠标移动时不再调用该函数且对象停止跟随鼠标光标。下面是演示说明此技术的一些代码:

// This code moves display objects using the mouse-following 
// technique. 
// circle is a DisplayObject (e.g. a MovieClip or Sprite instance). 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
var offsetX:Number; 
var offsetY:Number; 
// This function is called when the mouse button is pressed. 
function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // Record the difference (offset) between where 
    // the cursor was when the mouse button was pressed and the x, y 
    // coordinate of the circle when the mouse button was pressed. 
    offsetX = event.stageX - circle.x; 
    offsetY = event.stageY - circle.y; 
    // tell Flash Player to start listening for the mouseMove event 
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragCircle); 
// This function is called when the mouse button is released. 
function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // Tell Flash Player to stop listening for the mouseMove event. 
    stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragCircle); 
// This function is called every time the mouse moves, 
// as long as the mouse button is pressed down. 
function dragCircle(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // Move the circle to the location of the cursor, maintaining  
    // the offset between the cursor's location and the  
    // location of the dragged object. 
    circle.x = event.stageX - offsetX; 
    circle.y = event.stageY - offsetY; 
    // Instruct Flash Player to refresh the screen after this event. 
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); 
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);



// This code creates a drag-and-drop interaction using the mouse-following 
// technique. 
// circle and square are DisplayObjects (e.g. MovieClip or Sprite  
// instances). 
import flash.display.DisplayObject; 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
var offsetX:Number; 
var offsetY:Number; 
var draggedObject:DisplayObject; 
// This function is called when the mouse button is pressed. 
function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // remember which object is being dragged 
    draggedObject = DisplayObject(event.target); 
    // Record the difference (offset) between where the cursor was when 
    // the mouse button was pressed and the x, y coordinate of the 
    // dragged object when the mouse button was pressed. 
    offsetX = event.stageX - draggedObject.x; 
    offsetY = event.stageY - draggedObject.y; 
    // move the selected object to the top of the display list 
    // Tell Flash Player to start listening for the mouseMove event. 
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragObject); 
// This function is called when the mouse button is released. 
function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // Tell Flash Player to stop listening for the mouseMove event. 
    stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragObject); 
// This function is called every time the mouse moves, 
// as long as the mouse button is pressed down. 
function dragObject(event:MouseEvent):void 
    // Move the dragged object to the location of the cursor, maintaining  
    // the offset between the cursor's location and the location  
    // of the dragged object. 
    draggedObject.x = event.stageX - offsetX; 
    draggedObject.y = event.stageY - offsetY; 
    // Instruct Flash Player to refresh the screen after this event. 
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); 
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging); 
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); 
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);


最后,要增强效果,您可以在单击显示对象时(开始拖动显示对象时)对显示对象应用投影滤镜,然后在松开对象时删除投影。有关在 ActionScript 中使用投影滤镜和其他显示对象滤镜的详细信息,请参阅 过滤显示对象