Adobe® Flash® Platform için ActionScript® 3.0 Başvurusu
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Filtreler: Sunucudan Veri Alınıyor...
Sunucudan Veri Alınıyor... paketi, Uyarlamalı Akış geçişinde kullanılan OSMF kural nesnelerini tanımlayan sınıfları içerir.

 AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule is an emergency rule based on BufferBandwidthRule.
 BandwidthRule BandwidthRule recommends the value of the BandwidthMetric
 BufferBandwidthRule BufferBandwidthRule is an enhanced version of BandwidthRule The change is that if the BandwidthRule recommends a lower bitrate than the current one, the BufferBandwidthRule overrides that low recommendation with the current bitrate if there are enough fragments in the buffer (we can afford to stick to this bitrate for now, since we have a large enough buffer)
 DroppedFPSRule DroppedFPSRule is an emergency rule that recommends a bitrate that would cause an acceptable number of dropped frames per second
 EmptyBufferRule EmptyBufferRule is an emergency rule that kicks in when a playback interruption caused by buffering occurred recently.
 Recommendation Recommendation represents a RuleBase's recommendation.
 RuleBase RuleBase is a base class for rules used for Adaptive Bitrate. A rule recommends a bitrate to the switch manager and a confidence in the recommended bitrate. A rule's value is computed based on the values of the metrics.
 RuleType RuleType identifies the various rule types that the Open Source Media Framework can handle out of the box.
 RuleUtils RuleUtils provides utility functions for the rules

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ActionScript 3.0 Başvurusu'nun tüm bölümleri tüm dillere çevrilmemiştir. Bir dil öğesi çevrilmediğinde İngilizce görünür. Örneğin, ga.controls.HelpBox sınıfı hiçbir dile çevrilmez. Bu nedenle, başvurunun Türkçe versiyonunda ga.controls.HelpBox sınıfı İngilizce görünür.