mx.messaging.messages paketi, Java EE için Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services ile kullanılan mesaj sınıflarını içerir.
Arabirim | Açıklama | |
IMessage | This interface defines the contract for message objects. | |
ISmallMessage | A marker interface that is used to indicate that an IMessage has an alternative smaller form for serialization. |
Sınıf | Açıklama | |
AbstractMessage | Abstract base class for all messages. | |
AcknowledgeMessage | An AcknowledgeMessage acknowledges the receipt of a message that was sent previously. | |
AsyncMessage | AsyncMessage is the base class for all asynchronous messages. | |
CommandMessage | The CommandMessage class provides a mechanism for sending commands to the server infrastructure, such as commands related to publish/subscribe messaging scenarios, ping operations, and cluster operations. | |
ErrorMessage | The ErrorMessage class is used to report errors within the messaging system. | |
HTTPRequestMessage | HTTP requests are sent to the HTTP endpoint using this message type. | |
MessagePerformanceUtils | The MessagePerformanceUtils utility class is used to retrieve various metrics about the sizing and timing of a message sent from a client to the server and its response message, as well as pushed messages from the server to the client. | |
RemotingMessage | RemotingMessages are used to send RPC requests to a remote endpoint. | |
SOAPMessage | SOAPMessages are similar to HTTPRequestMessages. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z