lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint paketi bir işlem başlatma gibi görevler için kategorileri ve uç noktaları desteklemek ve değiştirmek üzere kullanıcı arabirimi sağlayan sınıflar ve bileşenler içerir. Bu paketteki sınıflar ve bileşenler Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform - Workspace'i özelleştirmek ve Flex kullanarak Workspace'deki Start Process bileşeni işlevine benzer işlev gerektiren uygulamalar oluşturmak için yararlıdır.
Sınıf | Açıklama | |
StartpointCardRenderer | The StartpointCardRenderer component represents an startpoint object. | |
StartpointCardRendererModel | The StartpointCardRendererModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointCardRenderer component. | |
StartpointDetails | The StartpointDetails component represents the information on a process card. | |
StartpointDetailsModel | The StartpointDetailsModel class provides support for the views that are interested in StartpointDetails component. | |
StartpointEvent | The StartpointEvent class contains events that are dispatched when a user performs an action against an startpoint. | |
StartpointGridSelector | The StartpointGridSelector component displays a collection of startpoints in a data grid. | |
StartpointGridSelectorModel | The StartpointGridSelectorModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointGridSelector component. | |
StartpointTileList | The StartpointTileList component is configured to use the StartpointCardRenderer component to display startpoints in a grid, as well as pass on relevant events from the renderer. | |
StartProcess | The StartProcess component is the primary component that enables a user to navigate between different categories of forms to start a process. | |
StartProcessBase | For internal use only. | |
StartProcessModel | The StartProcessModel class acts as the model for the StartProcess component. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z