ga.model paketi sınıfları, Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench içindeki Kılavuz Tasarımı perspektifinde oluşturulmuş bir Kılavuzun bellekte bulunan temsili olan Kılavuz çalışma zamanı modelini tanımlar.
| Arabirim | Açıklama |
| ILayoutHost |
This is the core interface of Guide panel layouts and needs to be implemented by all guide panel layouts. |
| IPanel |
The IPanel interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a Guide
panel. |
| IPanelItem |
The IPanelItem interface is implemented by components that are passed as inputs
into the LayoutTemplate class. |
| IPanelText |
The IPanelText interface represents the text in panel as a string or HTML formatted string. |
| ISection |
The ISection interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a section. |
| Sınıf | Açıklama |
| GAEvent |
The GAEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Guide events. |
| GuideAccessibility |
The GuideAccessibility class provides users with the ability to debug Guide
accessibility without running JAWS. |
| GuidedActivity |
The GuidedActivity class contains Guide properties. |
| HostedGuide |
The HostedGuide class is used by a Flex application that is hosting a Guide
to directly access specific Guide objects. |
| LayoutTemplate |
The LayoutTemplate class is the base class for all Guide panel layouts. |
| Page |
The Page class represents a single physical instance of a Panel. |
| PanelBreak |
The PanelBreak class defines the Next Area utility object in the Guide Design perspective within
Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0, and causes
the layout algorithm to move to the next available slot in the panel layout. |
| PanelItem |
The PanelItem class acts both as a place holder in the layout template and as
the run-time component that binds to the form model. |
| PanelItemBase |
The PanelItemBase class is a copy of the mx.controls.FormItem that supports a rich text label. |
| PanelManager |
The PanelManager class manages the list of visible panels on a Guide. |
| PanelRichText |
The PanelText class defines the Guide Text Guide object that contains text
and can be bound to the form model. |
| PanelText |
The PanelText class defines the Guide Text Guide object that contains text
and can be bound to the form model. |
| QuestionItem |
The QuestionItem class acts as a place holder in the panel layout. |
| Section |
A Guide section that can contain several panels. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z