com.adobe.icc.enum paketi numaralandırmaları ve sabitleri bulunduran sınıfları içerir.
Sınıf | Açıklama | |
CategoryType | Specifies the enumerator for the type of a Category. | |
FormState | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Form. | |
FragmentLayoutState | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Fragment Layout. | |
LetterState | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Letter. | |
MimeType | Possible MIME types for ICC content. | |
ObjectState | Specifies the enumerator for the state of an object or asset. | |
ObjectType | Specifies the enumerator codes for various object and asset types. | |
TBXState | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a TBX or Text Module. | |
TBXType | Specifies the enumerator codes for the type of a TBX. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z