Adobe® Flash® Platform için ActionScript® 3.0 Başvurusu
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com.adobe.gravity.utility.async paketi Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework içindeki senkronize olmayan işlemleri yönetmeye yönelik yardımcı program sınıflarını içerir.

 addHandlers A convenience function for adding a success and fault handler without declaring a local variable.
 addParams Create an adapter function that calls the provided function with the provided parameters, appending any parameters passed in when it is invoked.
 fixParams Create an adapter function that calls the provided function with the provided parameters, ignoring any parameters passed in when it is invoked.
 injector A convenience method for a success handler.
 IToken IToken objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations.
 AggregatingToken AggregatingToken objects are returned from functions that initiate multiple asynchronous operations and must accumulate the results.
 AggregatingTokenError An AggregatingTokenError is passed to fault handlers added to an AggregatingToken if faults occur on an aggregated token.
 Deferred Utility class to allow a method to be deferred until "the next stack frame".
 HandlerHolder A utility class to hold a set of handlers and call them.
 ImmediateFaultToken ImmediateFaultToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the fault handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first).
 ImmediateSuccessToken ImmediateSuccessToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the success handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first).
 OpaqueWrapperToken OpaqueWrapperToken wraps another token, calling successHandlers with no parameters.
 Token Token objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations.

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ActionScript 3.0 Başvurusu'nun tüm bölümleri tüm dillere çevrilmemiştir. Bir dil öğesi çevrilmediğinde İngilizce görünür. Örneğin, ga.controls.HelpBox sınıfı hiçbir dile çevrilmez. Bu nedenle, başvurunun Türkçe versiyonunda ga.controls.HelpBox sınıfı İngilizce görünür.