В пакете com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common содержатся интерфейсы, не присущие функциям блока построения Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. Это типовые интерфейсы, используемые для определения абстрактных сущностей.
| Интерфейс | Описание |
| IDocument |
This interface defines the basic properties of a document. |
| IDocumentCollection |
This interface defines an entity that has a collection of documents associated with it. |
| IGanttDataItem |
This interface defines the data item that can be displayed in a GanttChart. |
| IMember |
This interface defines the basic properties of a member. |
| IMemberCollection |
This interface defines an entity that has a collection of members associated with it. |
| Класс | Описание |
| ReferenceChangedEvent |
This event is dispatched when a stage or a review is changed, if the stage or a review was earlier referenced. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:49 AM Z