De pakketklassen ga.controls definiëren de standaardbesturingselementen in het deelvenster Geleiders die gebruikers met gebruik van Adobe Flash Builder kunnen toevoegen aan geleider- en deelvensterlay-outs.
Interface | Beschrijving | |
IWrapperHost | Interface that must be implemented by all guide wrapper components. |
Klasse | Beschrijving | |
AccordionNav | The AccordionNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
AddPanelButton | The AddPanelButton class defines the Add Panel Button component, which adds a new instance of a repeating panel to a list of panels contained within a section. | |
CopyPanelButton | The CopyPanelButton class defines the Copy Panel Button component, which creates a new instance of a repeating panel from the current instance of the panel. | |
HelpBox | The HelpBox component displays any Guide-level help text and/or video resource. | |
HelpCenter | The HelpCenter component provides a centralized region within a Guide layout to display Guide help and panel help. | |
HelpPanel | The HelpPanel component displays any panel-level help text and/or video resource specified in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
HelpVideo | The HelpVideo component displays the help video icon which, when selected, expands to display the help video to users. | |
LabeledHRule | The LabeledHRule control renders a HRule with a label. | |
MxTreeNav | The MxTreeNav class represents an accordion control listing section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
NextPanelButton | The NextPanelButton class defines the Next Panel Button component, which displays the next panel in a Guide. | |
PanelContent | The PanelContent class displays the content of the current panel based on the panel layout and customization options specified in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
PanelTitle | The PanelTitle component represents a label that displays the name of the currently selected panel. | |
PDFBox | The PDFBox class defines the PDFBox component which displays a rendered PDF associated with a Guide. | |
PerformanceLog | The PerformanceLog component displays performance metrics relative to the run time version of a Guide. | |
PreviousPanelButton | The PreviousPanelButton class defines the Previous Panel Button component, which displays the previous panel in a form guide. | |
ProgressSectionBarNav | The ProgressSectionBarNav component provides a horizontal list of buttons representing each section in the Guide tree. | |
RadioButtonList | This UIComponent presents a list as a set of radio buttons and allow you to select on radio button from the list. | |
RemovePanelButton | The RemovePanelButton class defines the Remove Panel Button component, which removes an instance of a panel from a list of repeating panels contained within a section. | |
SectionTitle | The SectionTitle component defines a label that displays the name of the currently selected section. | |
StepNav | The StepNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
SubmitButton | The SubmitButton class represents the submit button component that is displayed on the last panel of a Guide. | |
TabTabNav | The TabTabNav component uses two nested tab navigators to display the active Guide sections and panels. | |
ToolBar | The ToolBar component displays the Guide toolbar. | |
Wrapper | The Wrapper class is the base class from which all Guide layouts are derived. |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:57 AM Z