Het pakket com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api bevat interfaceklassen voor het regelen van de beveiliging van de Experience Server. De klassen stellen Flex-toepassingen in staat om gebruikersverificatie uit te voeren en gebruikersdetails en gerelateerde bewerkingen te bepalen met de Core Security-service op de Experience Server.
| Interface | Beschrijving |
| IAuthResult |
The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of
ISecurityManager service. |
| IPin |
An IPin object is a type of ticket which can be used to authenticate a user in remote call. |
| ISecurityManager |
The ISecurityManager interface provides methods to perform user authentication. |
| ISession |
The ISession class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as a security ticket. |
| ITicket |
A ticket can be used to authenticate the user while making remote calls. |
| IUser |
The IUser interface provides read-access to a user's attributes,
and offers basic support for authorization checking. |
| Klasse | Beschrijving |
| AuthenticationEvent |
AuthenticationEvent objects are dispatched by the ISecurityManager class when an authentication
related operation is performed. |
| AuthFailureCode |
Defines constants that define possible causes related to an authentication failure. |
| AuthOptions |
The AuthOptions class captures the authentication options. |
| AuthStatus |
Defines the constants for various types of authentication status. |
| SecurityConfig |
The SecurityConfig classcaptures the required configuration required for the security client library to function. |
| TicketType |
The TicketType class defines the type of an ITicket object. |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:57 AM Z