패키지에는 비디오 재생에 대해 서비스 품질(QOS) 정보를 노출하는 데 사용되는 클래스가 들어 있습니다.
| 클래스 | 설명 |
| FragmentDetails |
FragmentDetails represents a collection of data about a media fragment.
| PlaybackDetails |
PlaybackDetails represents a collection of data about the
playback of a specific quality level that took place between
two ABREvent.QOS_UPDATE events
| QoSInfo |
QoSInfo holds Quality of Service information of the media. |
| QoSInfoHistory |
QoSInfoHistory holds a number of QoSInfo records
| QualityLevel |
QualityLevel describes a quality level of an ABR stream
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:32 PM Z