lc.promgmt.ui.task 패키지에는 작업의 표시 및 조작을 지원하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공하는 클래스 및 구성 요소가 들어 있습니다. 이 패키지의 클래스와 구성 요소는 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace를 사용자 정의하는 경우는 물론 Workspace의 할 일 기능과 유사한 기능을 필요로 하는 응용 프로그램을 Flex를 사용하여 작성하는 경우에도 유용합니다.
| 클래스 | 설명 |
| TaskCardRenderer | The TaskCardRenderer component displays task information in a card layout. |
| TaskCardRendererModel |
The TaskCardRendererModel class acts as the model for the
TaskCardRenderer component. |
| TaskDetails | The TaskDetails component represents the information on the task
card. |
| TaskDetailsModel |
The TaskDetailsModel class provides support for
the views that are interested in the TaskDetails component. |
| TaskDirective | The TaskDirective component is where end users are given the ability to
forward, share, or consult a task with another person. |
| TaskDirectiveBase |
The TaskDirectiveBase serves as the parent of the TaskDirective view. |
| TaskDirectiveModel |
The TaskDirectiveModel class acts as the model for the
TaskDirective component. |
| TaskImage | The TaskImage class displays the image associated with the process to which the task belongs. |
| TaskImageModel |
The TaskImageModel class provides support for views that are interested in
displaying an image configured for the process to which the task belongs. |
| TaskInfo | The TaskInfo class displays a set of properties for a
selected Task object.The TaskInfo component displays the stepName
of the Task on top of all of the other Task
properties. |
| TaskInfoModel |
The TaskInfoModel class provides support for
views that are interested in the Task object's data,
such as, the TaskInfo component. |
| TaskTileList |
The TaskTileList component is configured to use the
TaskCardRenderer component to display tasks in a grid,
as well as to pass on relevant events from the renderer. |
| ToDo | The ToDo component is the primary component that enables a user
to navigate between different queues to locate their tasks. |
| ToDoBase |
For internal use only. |
| ToDoModel |
The ToDoModel class provides the model implementation for the
the ToDo component. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:32 PM Z