패키지에는 문서 서버에 공통된 세션, 사용자, 그룹 및 환경 설정 작업을 위한 구현 및 클래스가 들어 있습니다.
| 인터페이스 | 설명 |
| IManager |
The IManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related
to the Document Server session. |
| IPreferencesManager |
The IPreferencesManagerinterface is implemented
to manage the various preferences that the user has access to. |
| ISessionManager |
The ISessionManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related
to the Document Server session. |
| IUserManager |
The IUserManager interface contains methods for finding users and groups. |
| 클래스 | 설명 |
| PreferencesManager |
The PreferencesManager class is the standard implementation of the
ISessionManager interface. |
| SessionManager |
The SessionManager class is the standard implementation of the
ISessionManager interface. |
| UserManager |
The UserManager class is the standard implementation of the
IUserManager interface. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:32 PM Z