com.adobe.icc.enum 패키지에는 열거형 및 상수를 포함하는 클래스가 들어 있습니다.
| 클래스 | 설명 |
| CategoryType |
Specifies the enumerator for the type of a Category. |
| FormState |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Form. |
| FragmentLayoutState |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Fragment Layout. |
| LetterState |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Letter. |
| MimeType |
Possible MIME types for ICC content. |
| ObjectState |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of an object or asset. |
| ObjectType |
Specifies the enumerator codes for various object and asset types. |
| TBXState |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of a TBX or Text Module. |
| TBXType |
Specifies the enumerator codes for the type of a TBX. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:32 PM Z