Adobe® Flash® Platform용 ActionScript® 3.0 참조 설명서
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필터: 서버에서 데이터를 검색하는 중...
서버에서 데이터를 검색하는 중...


com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event 패키지에는 핵심 서비스에 사용되는 이벤트에 대한 클래스가 들어 있습니다.

 AssetActionCompleteEvent Event to be thrown by AssetHandlers to notify Asset Manager when action taken from AssetManager UI is completed
 AssetActionEvent Event dispatched when user clicks on one of asset action shown on the Search Results Viewer's AssetActionsRenderer (Control button bar).
 AssetActionsChangeEvent This event must be thrown by the Custom Asset Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets.
 AssetFocusEvent Event dispatched when user hovers on one of asset shown on the Search Results Viewer's .
 PreviewEvent Custom event created to act as a holder for data and mimeType of an asset.
 RelationEvent Custom event created to act as a holder for asset, its typeDescriptor, its relations, and a boolean flag which indicates if the asset has dependencies which cannot be published.
 SearchEvent Event related to search action taken by user.
 VersionEvent Custom event created to act as a holder for asset, its typeDescriptor, versionCollectionObj and current version of the asset

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