Il pacchetto contiene le classi del dominio di creazione per le operazioni specifiche delle espressioni. Ad esempio, la creazione di nuovi oggetti espressione e la convalida di espressioni.
Interfaccia | Descrizione | |
IExpression | Represents an expression object for authoring purposes. | |
IExpressionProvider | The IExpressionProvider interface serves as the entry point for expression-specific operations during expression authoring. |
Classe | Descrizione | |
ComplexCyclicDependencyError | Error indicating that a cyclic dependency has been found between two or more variables over multiple expressions. | |
ExpressionCreateEvent | Event dispatched whenever a new expression is successfully created in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionDeleteEvent | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully deleted from the expression repository. | |
ExpressionEvent | Base class for events dispatched whenever a CRUD operation completes successfully on an expression in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionGetEvent | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully retrieved from the expression repository. | |
ExpressionListProviderEvent | Event dispatched whenever an expression-listing operation (list-all-expressions or search-expressions) completes successfully. | |
ExpressionUpdateEvent | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully updated in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionValidationError | Error thrown when an expression fails to validate syntactically. | |
ExpressionValidationResult | Encapsulates the result of syntactic validation of an expression. | |
SimpleCyclicDependencyError | Error thrown whenever a simple cyclic dependency is detected in a single expression (e.g. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:00 PM Z