Pacchetto | com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer.domain |
Classe | public class WebDocumentViewer |
Ereditarietà | WebDocumentViewer ![]() |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Gestione attività 10 |
Versioni runtime: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
component provides support for
displaying forms that are displayed in an HTML wrapper.
The WebDocumentViewer
component is extended to provide support for specific
types of forms, such as PDF or HTML forms.
Proprietà MXML predefinitamxmlContentFactory
Proprietà pubbliche
Proprietà | Definito da |
Metodi pubblici
Metodo | Definito da |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:44 PM Z