Most Quick Starts located in Programming with LiveCycle invoke
a specific service in order to perform an operation. However, some
Quick Starts invoke multiple LiveCycle services in order to perform
a given workflow. The following list provides Java quick starts
that invoke more than one LiveCycle service:
Quick Start (EJB mode): Passing a document located in the LiveCycle Repository to the Output service using the Java API (invokes the Repository
and Output service)
Quick Start (EJB mode): Creating a PDF document based on fragments using the Java API (invokes the Assembler and Output service)
Quick Start (EJB mode): Creating PDF Documents with submitted XML data using the Java API (invokes the Forms, Output, and Document
Management service)
Quick Start (EJB mode): Passing documents to the Forms Service using the Java API (invokes the Forms and Document Management service)
Quick Start (EJB mode): Digitally signing a XFA-based Form using the Java API (invokes the Forms and Signature service)
Quick Start (EJB mode): Managing roles and permissions using the Java API (invokes the DirectoryManager and the AuthorizationManager
service )
Quick Start (EJB mode): Passing documents to the Output Service using the Java API (invoke the Output and Document Management service)
Remarque : Quick Starts located in Programming with LiveCycle
are based on LiveCycle being deployed on JBoss® Application
Server and the Microsoft® Windows® operating system. However, if you are
using another operating system, such as UNIX®,
replace Windows-specific paths with paths that are supported by
the applicable operating system. Likewise, if you are using another
J2EE application server, ensure that you specify valid connection
properties. (See
Setting connection properties.)
Remarque : Most web service Quick Starts are written in
C# and uses the .NET framework. However, you can create client application
logic that is able to invoke LiveCycle services in any development
environment that supports SOAP standards. (See
Invoking LiveCycle using Web Services.)
Remarque : When using LiveCycle Remoting (as of LiveCycle
8.2), it is recommended that you invoke short-lived and long-lived
processes created in Workbench as opposed to invoking service operations
directly. As a result, Remoting Quick Starts are now located in
the Invocation Quick Start section and not in the individual service
Quick Start sections. (See
Invoking LiveCycle using Remoting.)