Most LiveCycle services in the service container
are configured to expose a web service, with full support for web
service definition language (WSDL) generation. That is, you can
create proxy objects that consume the native SOAP stack of a LiveCycle service. As a result, LiveCycle services can exchange
and process the following SOAP messages:
Using web services, you can perform the same LiveCycle services operations that you can by using the Java API. A benefit
of using web services to invoke LiveCycle services is that
you can create a client application in a development environment
that supports SOAP. A client application is not bound to a specific
development environment or programming language. For example, you can
create a client application using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and
C# as the programming language.
LiveCycle services are exposed over the SOAP protocol
and are WSI Basic Profile 1.1 compliant. Web Services Interoperability
(WSI) is an open standards organization that promotes web service
interoperability across platforms. For information, see
LiveCycle supports the following web service standards:
To invoke LiveCycle services using a web service, typically
you create a proxy library that consumes the service WSDL. The Invoking LiveCycle using Web Services section
uses JAX-WS to create Java proxy classes to invoke services. (See Creating Java proxy classes using JAX-WS.)
You can retrieve a service WDSL by specifying the following URL
definition (items in brackets are optional):
your_serverhost represents the IP address of the
J2EE application server hosting LiveCycle.
your_port represents the HTTP port that the J2EE application
server uses.
service_name represents the service name.
version represents the target version of a service
(the latest service version is used by default).
async specifies the value true to
enable additional operations for asynchronous invocation (false by
lc_version represents the version of LiveCycle that you want to invoke.
The following table lists service WSDL definitions (assuming
that LiveCycle is deployed on the local host and the post
is 8080).
WSDL definition
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ AssemblerService?wsdl
Back and Restore
Barcoded Forms
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ BarcodedFormsService?wsdl
Convert PDF
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ ConvertPDFService?wsdl
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ DistillerService?wsdl
Form Data Integration
Generate PDF
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ GeneratePDFService?wsdl
Generate 3D PDF
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ OutputService?wsdl
PDF Utilities
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ PDFUtilityService?wsdl
Reader Extensions
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ ReaderExtensionsService?wsdl
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ RepositoryService?wsdl
Rights Management
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ RightsManagementService?wsdl
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ SignatureService?wsdl
XMP Utilities
http://localhost:8080/soap/services/ XMPUtilityService?wsdl
LiveCycle Process WSDL definitions
must specify the Application name and the Process name within the
WSDL definition to access a WSDL that belongs to a process created
in Workbench. Assume that the name of the application is MyApplication and
the name of the process is EncryptDocument. In
this situation, specify the following WSDL definition:
Remarque : An Application
can contain folder(s). In this case, specify the folder name(s)
in the WSDL definition:
Accessing new functionality using web services
LiveCycle service functionality can be accessed using web services.
For example, in LiveCycle, the ability to encode attachments using
MTOM is introduced. (See Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM.)
To access new functionality
introduced in LiveCycle, specify the lc_version attribute
in the WSDL definition. For example, to access new service functionality
(including MTOM support), specify the following WSDL definition:
Remarque : When setting the lc_version attribute,
ensure that you use three digits. For example, 9.0.1 is equal to
version 9.0.
Web service BLOB data type
LiveCycle service WSDLs define many data types. One of the most important
data types exposed in a web service is a BLOB type.
This data type maps to the com.adobe.idp.Document class
when working with LiveCycle Java APIs. (See Passing data to LiveCycle services using the Java API.)
A BLOB object
sends and retrieves binary data (for example, PDF files, XML data, and
so on) to and from LiveCycle services. The BLOB type
is defined in a service WSDL as follows:
<complexType name="BLOB">
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="contentType"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="binaryData"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="attachmentID"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="remoteURL"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="MTOM"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="swaRef"
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="attributes"
The MTOM and swaRef fields
are supported only in LiveCycle. You can use those new
fields only if you specify a URL that includes the lc_version property.
Supplying BLOB objects in service requests
If a LiveCycle
service operation requires a BLOB type as an input
value, create an instance of the BLOB type in your
application logic. (Many of the web service quick starts located
in Programming with LiveCycle show how to work with
a BLOB data type.)
Assign values to fields that belong to
the BLOB instance as follows:
To pass data as text encoded in a Base64 format, set the data in
the BLOB.binaryData field and set the data type
in the MIME format (for example application/pdf)
in the BLOB.contentType field. (See Invoking LiveCycle using Base64 encoding.)
MTOM: To pass binary data in an MTOM attachment, set
the data in the BLOB.MTOM field. This setting attaches
the data to the SOAP request using the Java JAX-WS framework or
the SOAP framework's native API. (See Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM.)
SwaRef: To pass binary data in an WS-I SwaRef attachment,
set the data in the BLOB.swaRef field. This setting
attaches the data to the SOAP request using the Java JAX-WS framework.
(See Invoking LiveCycle using SwaRef.)
MIME or DIME attachment: To pass data in a MIME or
DIME attachment, attach the data to the SOAP request using the SOAP
framework's native API. Set the attachment identifier in the BLOB.attachmentID field.
(See Invoking LiveCycle using Base64 encoding.)
Remote URL: If data is hosted on a web server and
accessible over an HTTP URL, set the HTTP URL in the BLOB.remoteURL field.
(See Invoking LiveCycle using BLOB data over HTTP.)
Accessing data in BLOB objects returned from services
The transmission
protocol for returned BLOB objects depends on several
factors, which are considered in the following order, stopping when
the main condition is satisfied:
Target URL specifies transmission protocol.
If the target URL specified at the SOAP invocation contains the
parameter blob="BLOB_TYPE", then BLOB_TYPE determines
the transmission protocol. BLOB_TYPE is a placeholder for
base64, dime, mime, http, mtom, or swaref.
Service SOAP endpoint is Smart. If the following conditions
are true, then the output documents are returned using the same
transmission protocol as the input documents:
SOAP endpoint parameter Default Protocol For Output Blob Objects
is set to Smart.
For each service with a SOAP endpoint, the
Administration Console allows you to specify the transmission protocol
for any returned blobs. (See LiveCycle Administration Help.)
LiveCycle service takes one or more documents as
Service SOAP endpoint is not Smart. The configured
protocol determines the document transmission protocol, and the
data is returned in the corresponding BLOB field.
For example, if the SOAP endpoint is set to DIME, then the returned
blob is in the blob.attachmentID field regardless
of the transmission protocol of any input document.
Otherwise. If a service does not take the document
type as input, then the output documents are returned in the BLOB.remoteURL field
over the HTTP protocol.
As described in the first
condition, you can ensure the transmission type for any returned
documents by extending the SOAP endpoint URL with a suffix as follows:
is the correlation between transmission types and the field from
which you obtain the data:
Base64 format: Set
the blob suffix to base64 to return
the data in the BLOB.binaryData field.
MIME or DIME attachment: Set the blob suffix
to DIME or MIME to return the
data as a corresponding attachment type with the attachment identifier returned
in the BLOB.attachmentID field. Use the SOAP framework's proprietary
API to read the data from the attachment.
Remote URL: Set the blob suffix to http to
keep the data on the application server and return the URL pointing
to the data in the BLOB.remoteURL field.
MTOM or SwaRef: Set the blob suffix
to mtom or swaref to return the
data as a corresponding attachment type with the attachment identifier
returned in the BLOB.MTOM or BLOB.swaRef fields.
Use the SOAP framework's native API to read the data from the attachment.
Important : It is recommended that you do not exceed
30 MB when populating a BLOB object by invoking
its setBinaryData method. Otherwise, there is a
possibility that an OutOfMemory exception occurs.
Important : JAX WS-based applications that use the MTOM
transmission protocol are limited to 25MB of sent and received data.
This limitation is due to a bug in JAX-WS. If the combined size
of your sent and received files exceeds 25MB, use the the SwaRef
transmission protocol instead of the MTOM one. Otherwise, there
is a possibility of an OutOfMemory exception.
MTOM transmission of base64-encoded byte arrays
In addition
to the BLOB object, the MTOM protocol supports
any byte-array parameter or byte-array field of a complex type.
This means that client SOAP frameworks supporting MTOM can send
any xsd:base64Binary element as an MTOM attachment
(instead of a base64-encoded text). LiveCycle SOAP endpoints
can read this type of byte-array encoding. However, the LiveCycle service always returns a byte-array type as a base64-encoded text.
The output byte-array parameters do not support MTOM.
LiveCycle services that return a large amount of binary data use
the Document/BLOB type rather than the byte-array type. The Document
type is much more efficient for transmitting large amounts of data.