To render a form at the client, perform the
following tasks:
Include project files.
Create a Forms Client API object.
Set client rendering run-time options.
Render a form at the client.
Write the form to the client web browser.
Include project files
Include necessary files into your development
project. If you are creating a client application using Java, include
the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, ensure that
you include the proxy files.
Create a Forms Client API object
Before you can programmatically
perform a Forms service Client API operation, you must create a
Forms service client. If you are using the Java API, create a FormsServiceClient object.
If you are using the Forms web service API, create a FormsService object.
Set client rendering run-time options
You must set the client rendering run-time option
to render a form at the client by setting the RenderAtClient run-time
option to true. This results in the form being
delivered to the client device where it is rendered. If RenderAtClient is auto (the
default value), the form design determines whether the form is rendered
at the client. The form design must be a form design with a flowable
An optional run-time option that you may set is
the SeedPDF option. The SeedPDF option
combines the PDF container (seed PDF document) with the form design and
the XML data. Both the form design and the XML data are delivered
to Acrobat or Adobe Reader, where the form is rendered. The SeedPDF option
can be used when the client computer does not have fonts that are
used in the form, such as when an end user is not licensed to use
a font that the form owner is licensed to use.
You can use
Designer to create a simple dynamic PDF file for use as a seed PDF
file. The following steps are required to perform this task:
Determine whether you need to embed any fonts within the seed
PDF file. The seed PDF file will need to contain additional fonts
required by the form being rendered. When embedding fonts into the
seed PDF file, ensure that you are not violating any font licensing
agreements. In Designer, you can determine whether you can legally
embed fonts. Upon saving, if there are fonts you cannot embed into
the form, Designer displays a message listing the fonts you cannot
embed. This message is not displayed in Designer for static PDF
If you are creating the seed PDF file in Designer, it is
recommended that, at a minimum, you add a text field that contains
a message. The message should be directed at users of earlier versions
of Adobe Reader stating that they need Acrobat 7.0 or later or Adobe
Reader 7.0 or later to view the document.
Save the seed PDF file as a dynamic PDF file with the PDF
file name extension.
Remarque : You do not
need to define the seed PDF run-time option to render a form on
the client. If you do not specify a seed PDF, the Forms service
creates a shell pdf which will not contain COS objects but will
contain a PDF wrapper with the actual XDP content embedded inside.
The steps in this section do not set the seed PDF run-time option.
For information about COS objects, see the Adobe PDF Reference guide.
Render a form at the client
To render a form at the client, you
must ensure that the client rendering run-time options are included
in your application logic to render a form.
Write the form data stream to the client web browser
The Forms
service creates a form data stream that you must write to the client
web browser. When written to the client web browser, the form is
rendered by Acrobat 7.0 or Adobe Reader 7.0 or later, and is visible
to the user.