Creating Resource Relationships

You can specify relationships between resources in the repository. There are three kinds of relationships:

  • Dependence: a relationship in which a resource depends on other resources, meaning that all related resources are needed in the repository.

  • Membership (file system): a relationship in which a resource is located within a given folder.

  • Custom: a relationship you specify between resources. For example, if one resource has been deprecated and another resource introduced into the repository, you could specify your own replacement relationship.

You can create your own custom relationships. For example, if you store an HTML file in the repository and it uses an image, you could specify a custom relationship to relate the HTML file with the image (since normally only XML files are associated with images using a repository-defined dependence relationship). Another example of a custom relationship would be if you wanted to build a different view of the repository with a cyclical graph structure instead of a tree structure. You could define a circular graph along with a viewer to traverse those relationships. Finally, you could indicate that a resource replaces another resource even though the two resources are completely different. In that case you could define a relationship type outside of the reserved range and create a relationship between those two resources. Your application would be the only client that could detect and process the relationship, and it could be used to conduct searches on that relationship.

You can programmatically specify relationships between resources by using the Repository service Java API or web service API.

Remarque : For more information about the Repository service, see Services Reference for LiveCycle.

Summary of steps

To specify a relationship between two resources, follow these steps:

  1. Include project files.

  2. Create a Repository service client.

  3. Specify the URIs of the resources to be related.

  4. Create the relationship.

Include project files

Include the necessary files in your development project. If you are creating a client application using Java, include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, include the proxy files.

Create the service client

Before you can programmatically read a resource, you must establish a connection and provide credentials. This is accomplished by creating a service client.

Specify the URIs of the resources to be related

Create strings containing the URIs of the resource to be related. The syntax includes forward slashes, as in this example: "/path/resource".

Create the relationship

Invoke the Repository service method to create and specify the type of relationship.

Create relationship resources using the Java API

Create relationship resources by using the Repository service Java API, perform the following tasks:

  1. Include project files

    Include client JAR files in your Java project’s class path.

  2. Create the service client

    Create a ResourceRepositoryClient object by using its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object that contains connection properties.

  3. Specify the URIs of the resources to be related

    Specify the URIs of the resources to be related. In this case, because the resources are named testResource1 and testResource2 and are located in the folder named testFolder, their URIs are "/testFolder/testResource1" and "/testFolder/testResource2". The URIs are stored as a java.lang.String objects. In this example, the resources are first written to the repository, and their URIs are retrieved. For more information about writing a resource, see Writing Resources.

  4. Create the relationship

    Invoke the ResourceRepositoryClient object’s createRelationship method and pass in the following parameters:

    • The URI of the source resource.

    • The URI of the target resource.

    • The type of relationship, which is one of the static constants in the com.adobe.repository.infomodel.bean.Relation class. In this example, a dependence relationship is established by specifying the value Relation.TYPE_DEPENDANT_OF.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the target resource is automatically updated to the com.adobe.repository.infomodel.Id-based identifier of the new head resource. In this example, because of the dependence relationship, the value true is specified.

    You can also retrieve a list of related resources for a given resource by invoking the ResourceRepositoryClient object’s getRelated method and passing in the following parameters:

    • The URI of the resource for which to retrieve related resources. In this example, the source resource ("/testFolder/testResource1") is specified.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the specified resource is the source resource in the relationship. In this example, the value true is specified because this is the case.

    • The relationship type, which is one of the static constants in the Relation class. In this example, a dependence relationship is specified by using the same value used earlier: Relation.TYPE_DEPENDANT_OF.

    The getRelated method returns a java.util.List of Resource objects through which you can iterate to retrieve each of the related resources, casting the objects contained in the List to Resource as you do so. In this example, testResource2 is expected to be in the list of returned resources.

Create relationship resources using the web service API

Create relationship resources by using the Repository API (web service):

  1. Include project files

    • Create a Microsoft .NET client assembly that consumes the Repository WSDL.

    • Reference the Microsoft .NET client assembly.

  2. Create the service client

    Using the Microsoft .NET client assembly, create a RepositoryServiceService object by invoking its default constructor. Set its Credentials property using a System.Net.NetworkCredential object containing the user name and password.

  3. Specify the URIs of the resources to be related

    Specify the URIs of the resources to be related. In this case, because the resources are named testResource1 and testResource2 and are located in the folder named testFolder, their URIs are "/testFolder/testResource1" and "/testFolder/testResource2". When using a language compliant with the Microsoft .NET Framework (for example, C#), the URIs are stored as a System.String objects. In this example, the resources are first written to the repository, and their URIs are retrieved. For more information about writing a resource, see Writing Resources.

  4. Create the relationship

    Invoke the RepositoryServiceService object’s createRelationship method and pass in the following parameters:

    • The URI of the source resource.

    • The URI of the target resource.

    • The type of relationship. In this example, a dependence relationship is established by specifying the value 3.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the relationship type was specified. In this example, the value true is specified.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the target resource is automatically updated to the Id-based identifier of the new head resource. In this example, because of the dependence relationship, the value true is specified.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the target head was specified. In this example, the value true is specified.

    • Pass null for the last parameter.

    You can also retrieve a list of related resources for a given resource by invoking the RepositoryServiceService object’s getRelated method and passing in the following parameters:

    • The URI of the resource for which to retrieve related resources. In this example, the source resource ("/testFolder/testResource1") is specified.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the specified resource is the source resource in the relationship. In this example, the value true is specified because this is the case.

    • A boolean value indicating whether the source resource was specified. In this example, the value true is provided.

    • An array of integers containing the relationship types. In this example, a dependence relationship is specified by using the same value in the array as was used earlier: 3.

    • Pass null for the remaining two parameters.

    The getRelated method returns an array of objects that can be cast to Resource objects through which you can iterate to retrieve each of the related resources. In this example, testResource2 is expected to be in the list of returned resources.

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