Programmatically Synchronizing Users
You can programmatically synchronize users by using the
User Management API. When you synchronize users, you are updating
LiveCycle with user data that is located in your user repository.
For example, assume that you add new users to your user repository.
After you perform a synchronization operation, the new users become
LiveCycle users. As well, users no longer in your user respository
are removed from LiveCycle.
The following diagram shows LiveCycle synchronizing with
a user respository.
The following table describes the steps in this diagram
A client application requests that LiveCycle performs a synchronization operation.
LiveCycle performs a synchronization
User information is updated.
A user is able to view the updated user
Summary of stepsTo programmatically synchronize users, perform the following steps:
Include project files.
Create a UserManagerUtilServiceClient client.
Specify the enterprise domain.
Invoke the authentication operation.
Determine if the synchronization operation is complete
Include project filesInclude necessary files in your development
project. If you are creating a client application using Java, then
include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services,
then make sure that you include the proxy files.
Create a UserManagerUtilServiceClientclientBefore you can programmatically
synchronize users, you must create a UserManagerUtilServiceClient object.
Specify the enterprise domainBefore you perform a synchronization
operation by using the User Management API, you specify the enterprise
domain to which users belong. You can specify one or many enterprise
domains. Before you can programmatically perform a synchronization
operation, you have to setup an enterprise domain using Administration
Console. (See LiveCycle Administration Help.)
Invoke the synchronization operationAfter you specify one or
more enterprise domains, you can perform the synchronization operation.
The time it takes to perform this operation depends upon the number
of user records that are located in the user repository.
Determine if the synchronization operation is completeAfter you
programmatically perform a synchronization operation, you can detemine
if the operation is complete.
Programmatically synchronizing users using the Java APISynchronize users by using the User Management API (Java):
Include project files.
Include client JAR files,
such as adobe-usermanager-client.jar and adobe-usermanager-util-client.jar,
in your Java project’s class path.
Create a UserManagerUtilServiceClient client.
a UserManagerUtilServiceClient object by using
its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object
that contains connection properties.
Specify the enterprise domain.
Invoke the UserManagerUtilServiceClient object’s scheduleSynchronization method
to start the user synchronization operation.
Create a java.util.Set instance by using
a HashSet constructor. Ensure that you specify String as
the data type. This Java.util.Set instance stores
the domain names to which the synchronization operation applies.
For each domain name to add, invoke the java.util.Set object’s
add method and pass the domain name.
Invoke the synchronization operation.
Invoke the ServiceClientFactory object’s getContext method,
which will return a Context object.
invoke the Context object’s initPrincipal method
and pass the AuthResult.
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