When working in a multi-developer environment, it is recommended
that you follow these procedures to ensure that you do not override
changes that other users made:
Each developer must log in to Workbench with a unique
user ID.
Use the Check In/Check Out system to ensure that only one
person at a time works on an asset and that the latest version of
an asset is available to other users.
Synchronize your applications and assets before you check
them out. Synchronizing copies the last check-in version of the
application or asset from the server to your local computer. This
procedure ensures that you are always editing the latest version
of the application or asset.
Because Workbench does not support merging of multiple changes,
make sure that only one user at a time edits the assets.
Synchronize the local version with the version in the repository
Right-click the application or the asset and select Synchronize.
Checking in applications or assets
When you first create an application or an asset, it is
created on your local computer. To make it available to other developers
for editing or including in other applications, check the application
or the asset into the server repository. You can check in individual
or multiple applications or assets at the same time.
A warning dialog box is displayed when you attempt to check in
an asset with modified process configuration parameters. Checking
in an asset with modified configuration parameters can affect running
process instances. Click Yes to continue with the check-in, or click
No to cancel the check-in.
Also, you must check in the application to deploy it. (See
Deploying applications
Check in assets

Use one of these methods to check in the assets:
Check in the application that contains the assets.
To check in a single asset, right-click the asset and select
Check In. When prompted, click Yes to proceed with the check-in
To check in the assets that are in a folder, right-click
the folder and select Check In.
In the Check In Assets
dialog box, you can select all assets to be checked in, some assets
to be checked in, or none of the assets to be checked in. Click
When prompted, click Yes to proceed with the check-in of
the changed assets.
To check in multiple assets that are located in various parts
of the application and/or in different applications, select the
assets by using Ctrl+click or Shift+click, and then right-click
one of the assets and select Check In. When prompted, click Yes
to proceed with the check-in operation.
A status
dialog box appears after the check-in operation is complete.
Check in applications
Right-click an application version and select Check
In. To check in multiple applications, use Ctrl+click to select
the applications, and then right-click one of the selected applications
and select Check In.
(Optional) If the application contains the assets that are
not checked in, select one of the following options:
Check In All Files:
Workbench checks in all the assets.
Check In Selected Files:
Workbench checks in only
the assets that you explicitly select.
Check In None Of The Files:
Workbench does not check
in any assets.
(Optional) In the list of the checked-out assets, select
the assets to check in. Use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select
multiple assets.
Checking out applications or assets
To edit an application or an asset, check it out of the
repository. A checked-out application or asset is available for
editing by the user who checked it out.
If you want to check out an application or asset that another
user has checked out, you can forcibly check it out. This action
discards any changes that the other user made after their checkout.
Check out applications or assets
Right-click an application
or an asset and select Check Out. To check out multiple applications
or assets, use Ctrl+click to select them, and then right-click one
of the applications or assets and select Check Out.
If another user has any of the assets checked out, select
one of the following options:
Force Check Out On All Files:
forces the checkout of all assets.
Force Check Out On Selected Files:
Workbench forces
the checkout only for the assets that you explicitly select.
Force Check Out On None Of The Files:
Workbench does
not force the checkout of any assets.
(Optional) In the list of assets that another user checked
out, select the assets to forcibly check out. Use Ctrl+click or
Shift+click to select multiple assets.
Discarding the changes
After you check out an application or asset and edit it,
if you need to discard the changes, use the Revert command to quickly
return to its checked-out state. Using the Revert command for the
application discards changes made to all its assets since the last
Remarque :
The Revert command cannot be used to revert
to a previous version of the asset.
Discard changes made to an asset:
Right-click the asset
and select Revert.
Viewing asset history
To view the history of asset revisions, use the History
command; it displays the list of checked-in versions of the asset.
Review the history of an asset version:
Right-click the
asset and select History.
Managing user access to applications
You must have the Application Administrator role assigned
to your AEM forms user account in order to develop applications.
In this role, you can assign limited access to the application development
environment for users who have other roles assigned. You can permit
other users to have the following type of access:
The user can view the application.
Although the user is not the Application Administrator, that
user can extend read/write permissions to another user.
The user can modify the application and save the changes.
example, if a contractor is assigned to your project, you can grant
that person Read and Write permissions only for the applications
that the person will be working on.
Assign access permissions for an application:
In the
Applications view, click Show Remote Resource
view the list of applications on the server.
Right-click the name of the application for which to configure
user access and select Manage Access.
Click Add and in the Select User(s) And Group(s) dialog box,
specify how to search for the users:
To search by
name, select User Name.
To search by the user’s or group’s email address, select
In the box, type all or part of the user name or email address
and click Find. Type no characters in the box and click Find to
retrieve a list of all users.
In the Results pane, select a user or a group and click Add.
Click OK to return to the Access Control dialog box.
In the Users and Groups area, select a user or a group and,
in the Permissions area, select the permissions to assign to that
user or group.
Repeat step 7 for every user or group for which to configure
access to the application.