About the Applications view

The Applications view in Workbench shows applications that you created or retrieved from the server. For each application, the view shows all files (assets) in a single, multilevel tree. The root nodes in the view represent applications. The first level child nodes represent application versions.

Icons for the applications and assets can have the following markers attached to them to indicate a particular state:

  • Marks a new asset that exists only in your local folder. This asset is not checked into the repository.

  • Marks an asset that is checked out of the repository.

  • Marks a deployed application.

  • Marks an asset for deletion. The asset will be deleted when you perform a check in operation.

  • Marks an asset that has validation warnings. Open the Validation Report view to see the list validation messages.

  • Marks an application or an asset that reports a problem. The appearance of this mark is turned off by default. To turn it on, select Window > Preferences > General > Label Decorations, and then select Validation Decor option

  • Marks an asset imported from LiveCycle ES (8.x).

  • Marks a process that has recording enabled.

By default, the Applications view displays the applications and assets that are on your local computer. You can also view the applications and assets that either you or other users checked into the repository. To view these applications and assets, click the Show Remote Resource  icon. To return to the view of your local folder, click the Show Local Resources  icon.

When showing local resources, you can perform the following tasks in the Applications view:

  • Add and remove applications

  • Add and remove assets

  • Organize assets

  • Edit and view assets

  • Deploy applications

When showing remote resources, you can perform the following task in the Applications view:

Managing user access to applications

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