Managing Resources

In Workbench, resources are files that are not part of the applications, or that are programmatically delivered directly into the AEM forms repository. An example of resource is content migrated from LiveCycle.

Remarque : To view resources that are directly associated with an application, see the Applications view.

The Resources view is not displayed by default in the Process Design perspective and the Form Design perspective. Select Window > Show View > Resources to open it. The view contains a hierarchical list of the resources in the repository. In the Resources view, you can browse the resources or do the following actions:

  • Display a filtered list of resources.

  • View dependencies between resources.

  • View the version history.

  • Set access permissions on resources.

Filtering resources

The Resources view initially shows all content in the repository that you have permission to view. You can further restrict what is displayed by filtering the resources.

Filter the resources in the Resources view:

Click one of the Resources view toolbar buttons:
Filter for PDF Files  :
Only resources with the filename extension .pdf are displayed. (See Ensuring that the PDF icon is displayed .)

Filter for Image Resource  :
Only image resources are displayed. Image resources have the filename extension .png, .gif, .jpeg, and so on.

Filter for XDP Form  :
Only resources with the filename extension .xdp are displayed.

Filter Resources  :
All resources are displayed.

Ensuring that the PDF icon is displayed

PDF files may initially be displayed with the icons for XDP files in the Resources view. Do this procedure to display the Adobe Acrobat PDF icon instead.

Display the PDF icon for PDF files:

  1. Select Window > Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences dialog box, select General > Editors > File Associations.

  3. In the File Types box, select *.pdf.

  4. Beside the Associated Editors box, click Add.

  5. In the Editor Selection dialog box, click External Programs, select Adobe Acrobat Document, and then click OK.

  6. Beside the Associated Editors box, click Default, and then click OK.

  7. In the Resources view, click the Refresh Selection button.

Viewing resource relationships

Resources listed in the Resource view can be reused by other resources. While this method improves the consistency and efficiency of the application design, it also creates dependencies between these assets. Thus, before you modify or delete a shared resource, check how this change will affect other resources. You can examine resource relationships in the Relationships dialog box.

The Relationships dialog box displays a table of all the resources that are referencing the selected resource. The table contains the following information for each resource:

The path to the resource. It includes the filename of the resource.

The date the latest revision was created.

The current version of the resource.

Created By:
The username of the user who originally created the resource.

Last Modified By:
The username of the user who created the latest version of the resource.

View the resource relationships:

In the Resources view, right-click the resource and select Relationships.

Sort the list:

By default, the list is sorted by the Name column in ascending order. You can sort the list by any other column.

  1. Click the column heading to sort the list by that column.

  2. (Optional) Click the column heading again to change the sorting order.

Working with file versions

The version number of a file is updated automatically when a modified file is saved. You can display a history of all versions of a file, and you can promote an older version to be the current version. When a resource is referenced, its current version is used.

The version number is displayed in brackets beside the filename. The version number is of the form #x.y, where x is the major version and y is the minor version. When a file is first created or added to the repository, its version is #1.0.

The major version increments only when explicitly requested. (See Using older versions of files .) The minor version increments each time the file is changed and saved or is replaced.

Viewing the version history

You can view the history of a file, including the version number, date of last modification, user who change it, and comments that are associated with the version.

You can also save any version of a resource with another name or to another location. This method allows you to review a previous version without making it the current version.

View the version history of a file:

Right-click the file and select History. The Versions dialog box appears.

Save a version of a resource to another location:

  1. In the Versions dialog box, select a version and click Save As.

  2. In the Save As dialog box, specify a location and filename, and then click Save.

Using older versions of files

You can promote an older version of a file to be the current version. This procedure provides a means to retrieve an older version of a resource that has been overwritten by subsequent modifications. Promoting it to the current version causes a new version to be created with the content of the specified older version. You also have the option of incrementing the resource's major version number to signify major changes to the resource. You may also need to do this if, for example, the latest version of a file contains an error and you want to revert to a previous version.

Promote an older version of a file to be the current version:

  1. Right-click the file and select History.

  2. Select the version of the file and click Promote to Current.

  3. Type a comment to explain why the version is being promoted.

  4. (Optional) Click Update Major Version. If this option is selected, the major version (the number before the dot) is incremented and the minor version (the number after the dot) changes to zero. If this option is not selected, only the minor version is incremented.

  5. Click OK, and then click Close.

The promoted file is now displayed in the Resources view with its new version number, and this version of the file is used by any service that refers to it.

Setting access permissions

If you have sufficient permissions, you can use the Resources view to view, add, or remove access permissions to the resources in the repository. Typically, you have sufficient permissions for these tasks if you are logged on as an administrator or if an administrator assigned you the required permissions.

About access permissions

When permissions are added to a folder, they apply to a specific user or group. The following permissions are available:

Users can assign access permissions to other users of the folder.

Users can open the resources in the folder.

Users can view the folder’s contents and can navigate through the folder to lower-level folders. This permission is used when a user needs Read or Write permissions for a lower-level folder but not for the resources in higher-level folders.

Users can modify and save the resources in the folder.

Users who are assigned the Super Administrator or Application Administrator roles have full access to all resources, regardless of any access permissions. User roles are administered using administration console. For all other user roles, permissions must be explicitly added to the folders.

Permissions are checked when a user initiates an action that requires support from the repository. (See also, AEM forms administration help .)

Viewing and changing access permissions

You can view and change the current permissions that users or groups have for a folder.

By default, changes to folder permissions are applied to all resources in the folder and to the resources in subfolders. However, you can specify that the changes apply only to the resources in the folder.

  1. Right-click the folder and select Access Control.

    If you do not have sufficient permissions, the Access Control command is dimmed.

  2. Select the user or group that you want to change access permissions for. The access permissions of the user or group for that folder are displayed in the Permissions area.

  3. Select the permissions that you want to add, and deselect the permissions that you want to remove.

  4. Specify whether to apply the changes to subfolders:

    • To apply changes to the resources in the folder as well as the resources in all subfolders, select This Folder And All Resources And Folders It Contains.

    • To apply changes only to the resources in the folder, select This Folder And Only The Resources It Contains.

  5. Click OK.

Adding access permissions

Add access permissions to configure access to resources for users or groups. Permissions are added at the folder level. All resources in a folder have the same access permissions.

By default, folder permissions are applied to all resources in the folder and to the resources in subfolders. However, you can specify that the changes apply only to the resources in the folder:

  • Add permissions to a folder and subfolders when users need the same access permissions for them.

  • Add permissions only to the folder when users need different access permissions for different folders.

For more information about how to manage access permissions that are different for subfolders, see Adding different permissions to different subfolders .

Add access permissions:

  1. Right-click the folder and select Access Control.

    If you do not have sufficient permissions, the Access Control command is dimmed.

  2. To specify the users and groups to provide access permissions for, click Add. The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears.

  3. Search for users and groups:

    • In the Search Type area, select User Name or Email to specify the attribute to search on.

    • In the box, type the text that you want to match with the user attribute. (The search is not case sensitive.) Click Find.

  4. In the Results box, select the users and groups to add and click Add.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the Selected User(s) Or Group(s) box contains all the users and groups that you want to configure access permissions for, and then click OK.

  6. In the Users And Groups box of the Access Control dialog box, select one or more users and groups to configure access permissions for.

  7. In the Permissions area, select the permissions to provide to the selected users and groups.

    If you select the Read permission, Traverse is automatically selected. If you select the Write permission, both Read and Traverse are automatically selected.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have configured access permissions for all the users or groups.

  9. In the Propagate Permission Changes area, select an option to specify whether the access permissions are applied to the folder as well as the subfolders, or only to the folder.

  10. Click OK.

Adding different permissions to different subfolders

When you add access permissions to resources, you can add them only to a folder, or to the folder and all its subfolders. To quickly implement different access permissions for different subfolders, use the following strategy:

  • For all users, add permissions to top-level folders that all or most of the users require. Specify that the permissions are propagated to all the subfolders as well.

  • Then, for subfolders, add or remove permissions for specific users.

For example, three folders, Folder1, Folder2, and Folder3, are created under the root named localhost in the Resources view.

Permissions must be added for two user groups, GroupA and GroupB:

  • GroupA can see and access only Folder1.

  • GroupB can see and access only Folder2.

  • Neither group can see or access Folder3.

The following procedure is used to implement the access permissions:

  1. Use administration console to create a user group (ResourceUsers) that includes GroupA and GroupB.

  2. Add Traverse permissions for the ResourceUsers group to the root (localhost), and specify that the permissions propagate to all subfolders. This step enables all users to navigate the entire folder tree.

  3. Add Read, Write, and Traverse permissions for GroupA to Folder1.

  4. Add Read, Write, and Traverse permissions for GroupB to Folder2.

  5. Remove all permissions of the ResourceUsers group from Folder1, Folder2, and Folder3.

    When additional users must access a folder, they can be added to either GroupA or GroupB.

Removing access permissions

Remove access permissions if users or groups do not need access to resources in a folder.

Remove access permissions:

  1. Right-click the folder and select Access Control.

    If you do not have sufficient permissions, the Access Control command is dimmed.

  2. Select the users or groups to remove permissions from and click Remove.

  3. In the Propagate Permission Changes area, select an option to specify whether the access permissions are removed from the folder as well as the subfolders, or only from the folder.

  4. Confirm your selection and click OK.

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