Managing Components and Services

An administrator can manage components and services in the Components view. A component is a collection of services delivered as a JAR file. The state of the components and services determines which services and operations are available to Workbench users in the Services view.

To be made available in the Services view, components and services must be installed, started, and activated in the Components view. Depending on how a component was developed, the installation step may automatically perform the start and activation steps.

Components can also be started and stopped by an administrator in administration console.

Opening the Components view

The Components view is not displayed by default because it is intended for use by administrators or component developers.

Select Window > Show View > Components.

You must have sufficient permissions to view and manage components. If no components are displayed, see your administrator.

Installing components

You can install additional components you have developed in the Components view.

Upon installation, most components are started automatically and their services are activated automatically, which makes them available immediately to users in the Services view. If the component does not start automatically, you can start it as described in Starting components and services .

To install a component:

  1. Open the Components view.

  2. Right-click the Components folder and select Install Component.

  3. Navigate to and select the component JAR file from your local computer or from a network location.

Patching components

You can patch a component if you are supplied with a JAR file specifically for that purpose.

Patching a component allows a component to be replaced with an updated version while retaining any system data that the component has accumulated to support existing running processes.

To patch a component:

  1. In the Components view, stop the component to be patched. (See Stopping components and services .)

  2. Right-click the stopped component and select Patch Component.

  3. Navigate to and select the patch JAR file from your local computer or from a network location, and then click Open.

  4. If necessary, restart the component. (See Starting components and services .)

Starting components and services

Upon installation, most components and their services are started and activated automatically, which makes them available in the Services view. If the component does not start automatically when it is installed, you can start it manually.

A component may not start automatically if, for example, its parameters need to be configured or if the service has some kind of restriction on its availability.

Components can also be started in administration console.

To start a component:

  1. In the Components view, navigate to the component you want to start.

  2. Right-click the component and select Start Component.

    You can select multiple components to be started at once by Ctrl-clicking.

To start a service:

  1. In the Components view, navigate to the service you want to start. Its component must already be started.

  2. Right-click the service and select Start Service.

    After you start a service, it also needs to be activated before it can be used. If you need to activate a service manually, follow the steps in Activating services .

Activating services

To use a service in a process, the service must be active. Most services are activated automatically when their component is started; therefore, doing this step manually is usually not required. When a service is activated, it is available for use in the Services view.

To activate a service:

In the Components view, right-click the service and select Activate.

Editing service configurations

If a component exposes service configuration values, you can edit those values in the Component view. These values depend entirely on the implementation of the component and its services.

Process services are grouped in the WorkflowDSC component. You can use this procedure to set the values of configuration parameters that are defined in a process.
Important : In the Designtime Service, the value for the Application Root parameter should not be removed after the service is installed.

To edit a service configuration:

  1. In the Components view, expand the component that provides the service that you want to configure.

  2. Right-click the service and select Edit Service Configuration.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, edit the values and click OK.

    If a component does not expose any configuration values, the menu item is dimmed.

Removing service configurations

After a service has been deactivated, you can completely remove that instance of the service, thereby preventing it from being activated again.

Important : The active services that are listed for the WorkflowDSC component are services that are created for process versions. If you remove the service configuration for a process version, the process version is deleted.

To remove a service configuration:

In the Components view, right-click a deactivated service and select Remove Service Configuration.

Stopping components and services

You can stop a component or service for maintenance, such as changing the configuration parameters or installing a new version, or to prevent it from being used in process designs.

To stop a component or service:

  1. In the Components view, navigate to the component or service you want to stop.

  2. Right-click and select either Stop Component or Stop Service.

    Administrators can also use administration console to stop components.

Deactivating services

You can deactivate an individual service within a component if you do not want that service to be used.

To deactivate a service:

In the Components view, right-click the service and select Deactivate.

Uninstalling components

If a component is not used in any process, you can remove it from the AEM forms Server by uninstalling it.

Uninstalling a component removes it from the server but does not affect the component’s originating JAR file. The JAR file is located on a local computer or network location.

To uninstall a component:

  1. Right-click the component and select Stop Component.

  2. Right-click the component and select Uninstall Component.

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