
A complex data type that represents a query for PDF documents to determine the service that must be used. For example, to create a PostScript file from a PDF document, you must determine whether the document is a PDF document or an XFA document. If the document is a PDF document, it can be processed by the Convert PDF service. If the document is an XFA document, it can be sent to the Output service. This data type is used in the Get PDF Properties operation operation of the PDF Utilities service.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

Data items

The data items that PDFPropertiesOptionSpec variables contain.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check the document for file attachments. A value of true means to check whether the document has attachments and false means not to check for attachments.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check the document for comments. A value of true means to check whether the document contains comments and false means not to check for comments.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check if the document is an Acrobat form (a form that is created in Acrobat). A value of true means to check if the form is created in Acrobat and false means not to check if the document is an Acrobat form.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check if the document contains fillable fields. A value of true means to check if the document contains fillable fields and false means not to check for fillable fields.


A boolean value that indicate whether to check if you can perform PDF document operations on this document. A value of true means to check if the document allows performing PDF operations and false means not to check if you can perform PDF operations.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check if the document is a PDF package. A PDF package is a portable collection that uses metadata, including user-defined metadata, to manage a collection of document-level file attachments. The root PDF, to which all the files are attached, is less important than the attachments and is referred to as a cover sheet within Acrobat. A value of true means to check if this is a PDF package and false means not to check if this is a PDF package.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check if the document is an XFA document. A value of true means to check if this is an XFA document and false means not to check if this is an XFA document.


A boolean value that indicates whether to check the form type of the document. A value of true means to check the form type of the document and false means not to check the form type.


A boolean value that indicates whether to retrieve the PDF version of the document. A value of true means to retrieve the PDF version and false means not to retrieve the PDF version of the document.


A boolean value that indicates whether to retrieve the version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader required to correctly view the document. A value of true means to retrieve the Acrobat version and false means not to retrieve the Acrobat version.


A boolean value that indicates whether to retrieve the XFA version of the document. A value of true means to retrieve the XFA version of the document and false means not to retrieve the XFA version.

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