
A complex data type that represents the results of the Get PDF Properties operation operation that the PDF Utilities service provides. This variable contains various document information, such as the version, whether it contains comments, or whether it contains attachments.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

Data items

The data items that PDFPropertiesResult variables contains.


A string value that represents the form type of the PDF document. These values are valid:

  • NotAForm

  • Acroform

  • Static-XFA

  • Dynamic-XFA

  • XFAForeground


A boolean value that determines whether the document has attachments. A value of true indicates that the document contains attachments and false indicates that there is no attachments in this document.


A boolean value that indicates whether the document contains comments. A value of true indicates that there are comments in the document and false indicates that there are no comments in this document.

Comments can be one of the following types:

  • Notes (Text)

  • DrawingMarkups (Line, PolyLine, Square, Circle, Polygon, and Ink)

  • TextEditingMarkups (Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, StrikeOut, Caret, and FreeText)

  • Stamps (Stamp)

  • Attachments (FileAttachment and Sound)


A boolean value that indicates whether the document is an Acrobat form that does not contain an XFA stream. A value of true indicates that the document is an Acrobat form and false indicates that it is not an Acrobat form.


A boolean value that indicates whether the document contains fillable form fields. A value of true indicates that there are fillable fields in the document and false indicates that there is no fillable fields in the document.


A boolean value that indicates whether you can perform PDF document operations on this document. A value of true indicates that the document allows for PDF operations and false indicates that you cannot perform PDF operations in this document.

Remarque : If the document contains an XFA stream, but is an XFA Foreground stream, it is still a PDF document. An XFA Foreground stream is a PDF document that displays an XFA form as a layer on applicable pages.


A boolean value that indicates whether the document is a PDF package. A PDF package is a portable collection that uses metadata, including user-defined metadata, to manage a collection of document-level file attachments. The root PDF, to which all the files are attached, is less important than the attachments and is referred to as a cover sheet within Acrobat. A value of true indicates that the document is a PDF package and false indicates that the document is not a PDF package.


A boolean value that indicates whether the document contains an XFA stream. A value of true indicates that the document contains an XFA stream and false indicates that the document does not contain an XFA stream.


A boolean value that indicates whether the document is locked. A value of true indicates that the document is locked and false indicates that this document is not locked.


A string value that contains the document's PDF version. This information is located in the first line of the PDF document (header), and it specifies the version of the PDF specification to which the file conforms. For example, if the file conforms to PDF version 1.5, the header contains the string: %PDF-1.5 . The valid values are: PDF-1.5 , PDF-1.6 , and PDF-1.7 .


A map of string values that contains exceptions that are thrown when the document property values are retrieved.


A string value that contains the Acrobat or Adobe Reader version required to view the PDF document.


A string value that contains the XFA version of the PDF document.

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