El paquete org.osmf.net.metrics contiene clases que definen objetos de métrica OSMF utilizados en cambios de flujos adaptativos.
Clase | Descripción | |
ActualBitrateMetric | Metric computing the actual bitrate of the currently downloading quality level. This metric's type is MetricType.ACTUAL_BITRATE (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.actualBitrate) | |
AvailableQualityLevelsMetric | Metric listing all the available quality levels as pairs (index, bitrate) | |
BandwidthMetric | Bandwidth metric Measurement unit: bytes / seconds | |
BufferFragmentsMetric | BufferFragmentsMetric computes the number of fragments in the buffer | |
BufferLengthMetric | Metric providing the buffer length This metric's type is MetricType.BUFFER_LENGTH (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.bufferLength) | |
BufferOccupationRatioMetric | Metric computing the buffer occupation (buffer length / buffer time). This metric's type is MetricType.BUFFER_OCCUPATION_RATIO (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.bufferOccupationRatio) | |
CurrentStatusMetric | Current status metric | |
DefaultMetricFactory | DefaultMetricFactory is the default implementation of the MetricFactory. | |
DroppedFPSMetric | Dropped frames per second metric Measurement unit: frames / second | |
EmptyBufferMetric | Empty Buffer Metric. | |
FPSMetric | FPS metric Measurement unit: frames / second | |
FragmentCountMetric | Metric responsible with determining the number of fragments in the history | |
MetricBase | MetricBase is a base class for metrics used for Adaptive Bitrate. | |
MetricFactory | MetricFactory represents a factory class for metrics. | |
MetricFactoryItem | MediaFactoryItem is the encapsulation of all information needed to dynamically create and initialize a MetricBase from a MetricFactory. | |
MetricRepository | MetricRepository is responsible with storing metrics. It responds to requests containing the metric type and its parameters. The MetricRepository will make use of a MetricFactory to create new metrics. | |
MetricType | MetricType identifies the various metric types that the Open Source Media Framework can handle out of the box. | |
MetricValue | MetricValue represents a MetricBase's value. | |
RecentSwitchMetric | Metric specifying whether a switch occurred recently (checks if the last downloaded fragment is from a different quality than the previous one). The metric will specify the switch type (up-switch or down-switch). This metric's type is MetricType.RECENT_SWITCH (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.recentSwitch) |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:26 PM Z