El paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain incluye todas las interfaces de dominio definidas por el bloque de construcción Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA). Estas interfaces de dominio muestran propiedades de objetos Value y de operaciones específicas del dominio.
Interfaz | Descripción | |
IApprover | Represents an approver in an approval stage. | |
IAuthor | Defines a stage participant who is responsible for creation of an asset in a creation stage. | |
IComment | Defines the structure of a comment published during a stage on an asset. | |
IInitiator | Defines an initiator of a review. | |
IModerator | Defines a moderator of a stage. | |
IParticipant | Defines a participant in review. | |
IReviewContext | Defines details of a particular review version. | |
IReviewer | Defines the properties of a reviewer participant in a review stage. | |
IReviewTemplate | Defines a schedule template, | |
IStage | Defines a stage inside a schedule template. | |
IStageParticipant | Defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. | |
IStageTemplate | Defines a stage template. | |
ISupportingDocument | Defines a supporting document. | |
IUser | Defines a user such as a project or an asset owner, a team member, or a stage participant. |
Clase | Descripción | |
RCADomainFactoryImpl | The factory class to create instances of domain objects. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:26 PM Z