El paquete com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain contiene las clases de dominio del componente UX de creación de expresiones.
Interfaz | Descripción | |
IProviderFactory | The IProviderFactory represents the entry point into the EXM authoring domain model. |
Clase | Descripción | |
ErrorEvent | Event dispatched by various EXM authoring domain classes to indicate that an error (typically an error during invocation of an asynchronous RPC operation) has occurred. | |
ProviderFactory | The ProviderFactory class serves as a static container for an IProviderFactory instance and provides static utility wrappers over the IProviderFactory methods. | |
RequestAwareErrorEvent | Event dispatched by various EXM domain authoring classes to indicate that an error has occurred during an operation. | |
RequestAwareEvent | Base class for events dispatched by various EXM domain authoring classes to indicate that an operation has returned or errored out. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:26 PM Z