Steps without using support files


WebHelp Pro

WebHelp Pro is an uncompiled output type that is RoboHelp Server-based and supports standard Help features (such as TOC, index, and search). A browser is not required to view the output. In addition, WebHelp Pro provides end-user feedback reports on how people are using your system and other features available only with RoboHelp Server. WebHelp Pro projects require RoboHelp Server for context-sensitive Help.

Display content

An ASP file is included for viewing content. The default hyperlink is http://<RoboHelp Server>/Roboapi.Asp. You can pass a parameter to the ASP file:




For example:

This URL displays default content from the server: http://<RoboHelp Server>/Roboapi.Asp

This URL displays the project_name project (merged with any other projects): http://<Robo­Help Server>/robohelp/rest/search?project=<project-name>&quesn=<search-query>

This URL displays content for map number 101: http://<RoboHelp Server>/ /robo­help/rest/robowindow?wtype=ctx&context=<id>&project=<project name>

Advanced window control

When opening context-sensitive WebHelp Pro from a browser, use the context-sensitive Help API and support files.


Context-sensitive Help for Visual Basic applications

Use this information to connect context-sensitive WebHelp or WebHelp Pro topics to Visual Basic applications.

The sample code here uses a function called Showhelp that opens a local or remote topic regardless of the browser type.

The ShowHelp function has two parameters: strTopic takes a URL or local filename as a value, and bIsLocal takes a Boolean value. It indicates whether the first parameter is a local filename (TRUE) or remote URL (FALSE). If the file is local, ShowHelp tells the browser to find the file in the Help subfolder of the application folder.

     Public Function ShowHelp(strTopic As String, _
bIsLocal As Boolean) As Boolean
 Dim strDir As String
If bIsLocal Then
' Get registry entry pointing to Help
strDir = App.Path + "\Help\"
End If
 ' Launch topic
Dim hinst As Long
hinst = ShellExecute(Me.hwnd, vbNullString, _
  strTopic, vbNullString, _
 ' Handle less than 32 indicates failure
ShowHelp = hinst > 32
 End Function

To call ShellExecute , declare the function. For example:

     Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib _
 "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, _
ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

The ShowHelp function requires an explicit filename or URL. But for context-sensitive Help, it is better to code the application to use context IDs rather than explicit topic names. Use the following sample function, ShowHelpContext, which maps integer context IDs to topic name strings, then calls ShowHelp to launch the topic.

     Public Function ShowHelpContext(nContextId As Integer) As Boolean  
 Dim strTopic As String
Dim bIsLocal As Boolean
bIsLocal = True
Select Case nContextId
 strTopic = "gadget.htm"  
 strTopic = "whatsit.htm"  
 strTopic = "widget.htm"  
 strTopic = ""
bIsLocal = False  
 Case Else  
 strTopic = "unknown-context.htm"  
 End Select
ShowHelpContext = ShowHelp(strTopic, bIsLocal)  
 End Function


Using ShowHelpContext makes maintaining context-sensitive Help much easier because, if a topic name changes, only one function must be modified. Declare context IDs (for example,HH_GADGET_DIALOG) as constants that can be shared among the program modules that use context-sensitive WebHelp or WebHelp Pro.

     Const HH_GADGET_DIALOG As Integer = 1  
 Const HH_WHATSIT_DIALOG As Integer = 2  
 Const HH_WIDGET_DIALOG As Integer = 3  
 Const HH_TECH_SUPPORT As Integer = 4

Connect context-sensitive WebHelp and WebHelp Pro topics to Visual C++ applications

note:   This information is for developers who must connect context-sensitive WebHelp and WebHelp Pro topics to Visual C++ applications.

The sample code provided here uses a function called ShowHelp that opens a local or remote topic regardless of the browser type.

The ShowHelp function has two parameters: szTopic takes a URL or local filename as a value, and bIsLocal takes a Boolean value. It indicates whether the first parameter is a local filename (TRUE) or remote URL (FALSE). If the file is local, ShowHelp tells the browser to find the file in the Help subfolder of the application folder.

     BOOL ShowHelp(LPCTSTR szTopic, BOOL bIsLocal)
    TCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
   if (bIsLocal)
       // Get directory of application
      DWORD dw = GetModuleFileName(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), szDir, MAX_PATH);
      TCHAR* pchEnd = _tcsrchr(szDir, '\\') + 1;
      *pchEnd = '\0';
      // Append subfolder name
      _tcscat(szDir, _T("Help"));
    // Open topic
   HINSTANCE hinst = ShellExecute(NULL, //no parent hwnd
    NULL, // open
   szTopic, // topic file or URL
   NULL, // no parameters
   szDir, // folder containing file
   SW_SHOWNORMAL); // yes, show it
    // handle less than 32 indicates failure
   return hinst > (HINSTANCE)32;


The ShowHelp function requires an explicit filename or URL. But for context-sensitive Help, it is better to code the application to use context IDs rather than explicit topic names. Use the following sample function, ShowHelpContext, which maps integer context IDs to topic name strings, then calls ShowHelp to open the topic.

     BOOL ShowHelpContext(int nContextId)
    CString strTopic;
   BOOL bIsLocal = TRUE;
   switch (nContextId)
      case HH_GADGET_DIALOG:
       strTopic = _T("gadget.htm");
       case HH_WHATSIT_DIALOG:
       strTopic = _T("whatsit.htm");
       case HH_WIDGET_DIALOG:
       strTopic = _T("widget.htm");
       case HH_TECH_SUPPORT:
       strTopic = _T("");
       bIsLocal = FALSE;
       strTopic = _T("unknown-context.htm");
   return ShowHelp(strTopic, bIsLocal);


Using ShowHelpContext makes maintaining context-sensitive Help much easier because if a topic name changes, only one function has to be modified. The context IDs (for example, HH_GAD­GET_DIALOG) should be declared in a header file that can be shared among the program modules that use context-sensitive WebHelp or WebHelp Pro. This can be the same file where the prototypes for ShowHelp and ShowHelpContext are defined.

Programming HTML Help in applications

note:   Microsoft HTML Help projects only.

Window-level Help for Windows applications

To call a topic using a map number, make a call to the HTML Help API using the following syntax:

     HWND HtmlHelp(Window(), “c:\path\helpfile.chm”, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, Number);

To call a topic using a filename, make a call to the HTML Help API using the following syntax:

     HWND HtmlHelp (Dialog(), “c:\path\helpfile.chm”, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, "topicfile.htm");

What’s This? Help for Windows applications

The method for programming What’s This? Help depends on the way the context-sensitive Help was created.

If the Help was created in RoboHelp as text-only topic files, see your software development kit for details.

If the Help was created in What’s This? Help Composer, see Create What's This? Help.

note:   For more information, see the HTML Help API Reference at http://msdn.micro­

Window-level Help for non-Windows platforms

Use WebHelp to display context-sensitive Help topics for C++ and Visual Basic applications, Java applications, and Web pages. For more information, see WebHelp.

Use JavaHelp to display context-sensitive Help topics for Java applications. For more informa­tion, see Create context-sensitive JavaHelp.

Use Oracle Help to display context-sensitive Help topics for Java applications, or applications written in other programming languages. For more information, see Create context-sensitive Oracle Help.

note:   If you must use your HTML Help output as a backup to a WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, FlashHelp, or FlashHelp Pro system that is on a server, use Adobe's airplane Help.

Context-sensitive HTML Help function call

Sample code:

     HtmlHelp(hWnd,       /*Window handle of program or dialog*/  
    "CSHHelp.chm",   /*Name of the CHM file*/  
    dwMapNumber);    /*Map number from map file*/


Program or dialog box window handle. A window handle identifies a window so the HTML Help engine discovers what application is performing the action.


Compiled HTML help file. It includes context-sensitive help. Give the developer this file for use with the application.


This is the command sent to the HTML Help engine for window-level Help. (A command such as HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP is used for What's This? Help.)


Map number from map file

Troubleshoot window-level Help

note:   Microsoft HTML Help projects only.


Wrong Help topic opens.

Error message


Processing C:\Project Folder\HelpProject.chm

Map Number: 2750

File: Folder_Name\Topic_Name.htm


Incorrect map ID.


Update the map ID.

Generate the project and retest.




Wrong or outdated map file.


Ensure everyone is using the correct map file.

If the correct map file is used, unassign the map ID for the topic.

Remove the old map file and import the new map file.

Assign new map IDs.

Generate and retest.


Topic is not displayed.

Error message

1. No message


Result: HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [Map] section


Processing C:\Folder Name\Project_Name.chm

Result: Cannot find 180010 in C:\Folder Name\Project_Name.chm


No assigned map ID.


If the map file does not exist, the message "HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [Map] section" appears.

For developer-supplied map files, import the map file. Assign the map IDs.

If the message "Cannot find 180010 in C:\Folder Name\Project_Name.chm" displays, update the map ID.

Generate and retest.


Topic does not appear or wrong topic appears.

Error message


Processing C:\Project Folder\Project_Name.chm

Map Number: 1

File: Folder_Name\Topic_Name.htm


Processing C:\Project Folder\Project_Name.chm

Result: Cannot find 180010 in C:\Project Folder\Project_Name.chm


Wrong map number used in the call.


Print the Map IDs report and give it to the developer.

Use this file to correct map number assignments.


Topic appears in wrong dialog box.

Error message

"HTML Help Author" opens and displays, "The window name 'window' passed to HH_GET_WIN_TYPE has not been specified."


Wrong dialog name used in the call or author did not inform the developer that a custom window was created for the topics.


Ensure the developer knows about the custom dialog.

Generate and retest after the application updates.


Topic is not displayed.

Error message

1. Message is not displayed


Result: HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [Map] section


Map file or map number is missing.


For developer-supplied map file, restore or update the map file.

Generate the and retest.

Create context-sensitive JavaHelp

tip:   Use the context-sensitive Help API and support files to call built-in functionality, rather than creating functions to display topics.

Context-sensitive JavaHelp requires custom code from your developer.

A printed copy of the .JHM file may help your developer.


     public class ContextHelp
     private HelpSet hs;
     private HelpBroker hb;
     public boolean ShowHelp(String strTopic, String strHelpSet){
        if (hb == null) {
            ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();
            URL url;
            try {
                url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(loader, strHelpSet);
                hs = new HelpSet(loader, url);
            catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
            hb = hs.createHelpBroker();
       return true;

Test context-sensitive JavaHelp

Testing context-sensitive JavaHelp involves authors and developers.

Compress The Project

Compile the project and create a .JAR file. Give the .JAR to your developer.

Test Context-Sensitive Topics

Test topics in the application to ensure they appear in the correct dialogs and windows.

Resolve Errors

Work with your developer to solve any problems.

Create context-sensitive Oracle Help

note:   This information is for developers who need to connect context-sensitive Oracle Help topics to applications.

tip:   The context-sensitive Help API and support files let you call built-in functionality instead of having to create the functions to display topics.

Oracle Help supports context-sensitive Help, but your developer must write and customize the code to make it work.

A working example of a Java application with context-sensitive Help is shown below. To run the example:

1)Ensure that you have the Oracle Help for Java components and the Sun Java 2 SDK or later.

2)Copy and paste the code below into a file called

3)Compile the file (for example, javac

4)Run the Java applet (for example, java .cSHDemo <Oracle Help Helpset file>). The Oracle Help helpset file parameter is the fully-qualified path to the helpset file. As an example, if you create an Oracle Help helpset file named "sample.hs" and saved it in "C:\myFiles," the command to run this application with your helpset file would be:

        java CSHDemo C:\myFiles\Sample.hs

Sample context-sensitive Java application

 * Oracle Help Context-Sensitive Help Sample Application
 * This application is intended to demonstrate a few methods for invoking
 * context-sensitive Help with Oracle Help.
* USAGE:  CSHSample <full path to helpset file>
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
 public class CSHSample extends Frame implements ActionListener
  private Help helpObj;
  private Book bookObj;
  private CSHManager contextManager;
  private MenuItem exitMenu;
  private MenuItem contentsMenu;
  private MenuItem searchMenu;
  private MenuItem indexMenu;
  // Constants set to TopicIDs from map file for Helpset passed in
  // via command line.
  public static final String LABEL = "what_is_a_label_htm";
  public static final String FIELD = "what_is_a_text_field_htm";
  public static void main(String[] args)
    if (args.length != 1) {
     System.err.println("Usage: CSHSample <full path to helpset file>");
    Book bookObj = null;
    String filename = args[0];
   // Expects filename format to be: "file:/[<drive>:/]dir/<helpset_file>"
    // e.g., "file:/c:/myPath/myHelp.hs"
    if (filename.charAt(0) == '/')
      filename = "file:" + filename;
      filename = "file:/" + filename;
    try {
      bookObj = (Book) new HelpSet(new URL(filename));
    catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("CSHSample Error: " + e.getMessage());
    CSHSample sampApp = new CSHSample(bookObj);
  // Class Constructor
  public CSHSample(Book bookObj)
    super("CSH Sample Application");
    setSize(300, 200);
    // Create Help Objects
    try {
      helpObj = new Help(false, false);
      contextManager = new CSHManager(helpObj);
      contextManager.addBook(bookObj, true);
    catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("CSHSample:: Failed While Creating Help object");
     * Add UI Components
    MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar();
    Menu filemenu = new Menu("File");
    exitMenu = new MenuItem("Exit");
    Menu helpmenu = new Menu("Help");
    contentsMenu = new MenuItem("Help Contents");
    indexMenu = new MenuItem("Topic Index");
    searchMenu = new MenuItem("Full Text Search");
    Panel mainPanel = new Panel();
    add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    // Add label
    Label label = new Label("Country:", Label.LEFT);
    // Set context help for component. TopicID = LABEL
    // Pass the component with the associated TopicID to the CSHManager Object
    contextManager.addComponent(label, LABEL, true, true);
    // Add TextField
    TextField field = new TextField(15);
    // Set context help for component. TopicID = FIELD
    // Pass the component with the associated TopicID to the CSHManager Object
    contextManager.addComponent(field, FIELD, true, true);
     * End: Add UI Components
      new WindowAdapter()
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    Object source = e.getSource();
    if (source == exitMenu) {
    else if (source == contentsMenu) {
      // Show Help; Display Contents tab
      Navigator[] navs = contextManager.getAllNavigators();
      if (navs != null)
    else if (source == indexMenu) {
      // Show Help; Display Index tab
      Navigator[] navs = contextManager.getAllNavigators();
      if (navs != null)
    else if (source == searchMenu) {
      // Show Help; Display Search tab
      Navigator[] navs = contextManager.getAllNavigators();
      if (navs != null)

note:   Oracle Help uses topic IDs (in a map file) to make context-sensitive Help calls. You can change the topic ID by editing the topic's META tag.

September 30, 2016

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