The Web Administrator interface enables you to segregate the Help content published on the server into protected and public areas. Only authenticated users can view the content published in protected areas, but no authentication is required to view content published in public areas.
By default, RoboHelp Server creates a public area, general.
To make an area protected, you can select the Protected area option in the Areas page of the Web Admin interface. For more information on Protected areas, see Managing areas. You can define several sets of privilege groups and assign different rights to different users. These rights include view only, publish, admin rights, and viewing reports. You can manage the groups and their privileges from RoboHelp Server Web Admin pages. RoboHelp Server 11 provides user authentication through both database and LDAP. You can also use HTTP request and response mechanism to authenticate users, see Authenticate users via HTTP request for more information.
Comment the authtype = db property, specify your LDAP user name in the DefaultAdminUid property, and do not specify your LDAP password in the DefAdminPwd property.
authtype = ldap
ldapURL = ldap://ldapserver:389
usersearchbase = ou=people,o=org
rolesearchbase = ou=groups,o=org
useridkey = uid
rolename = cn
rolesearch = uniqueMember
Restart the Tomcat service to log in as an LDAP user.
Property Name |
Description |
Property Value |
Required (Yes/No) |
DatabaseType |
Specifies the database used (supported types are oracle/sql) |
oracle/sql (Apache derby by default) |
Yes |
authtype |
Specifies the authentication mechanism used. |
db/ldap |
Yes |
LDAP Server URL |
The URL of your organization’s LDAP server |
If authtype is ldap |
usersearchbase |
The LDAP base node within which you want to find users. For example, dc=company, dc=com. |
URL of LDAP Server of the organization |
If authtype is ldap |
rolesearchbase |
The LDAP base node within which you want to find groups. For example, dc=company, dc=com. |
If authtype is ldap |
useridkey |
The LDAP node attribute that determines the user ID. |
user ID key |
If authtype is ldap |
rolename |
The LDAP node attribute that determines the group name. |
role name key |
If authtype is ldap |
rolesearch |
The attribute of the LDAP group node that determines the members of the group |
role attribute name |
If authtype is ldap |
DefAdminUID |
When server is started for the first time, server is not connected to the database. Therefore, access permissions for a given user cannot be verified. Provide a default user ID which has the admin rights and can access the web admin. |
User ID which has admin access to RoboHelp Server by default. |
Yes |
DefAdminPwd |
User ID which has admin access to RoboHelp Server by default. For LDAP authentication, password for the DefAdminUid is verified from the LDAP server. For database authentication, provide the default password for the default user ID. |
Default Admin password |
if authtype is db |
maxload |
Specifies maximum number of open concurrent database connections depending on the database used for report logging. |
maximum number of open connections database can handle. |
ProjectsURLBase |
Context path of the Help projects on the Tomcat server. |
ProjectsDirBase |
Top-level directory of Help projects |
You can use the HTTP request and response mechanism to authenticate users in RoboHelp Server 11. This method is used to access protected pages on the server. The authentication session is managed by the server and browser, and the authentication parameters are supplied in XML format. You can also use the HTTP-based authentication mechanism to authenticate LDAP users.
To authenticate users via HTTP request, perform the following steps:
Change the help topic URL to include the authentication mechanism, as shown in the following example:
Original help
topic URL: http://<server-name>:<port>/<context-name>/server?prj=<project-name>&area=<protected-area>&tpc=<-topic-.htm>&type=<type-of-output>
help topic URL: http://<server-name>:<port>/<context-name>/server?prj=<project-name>&area=<protected-area>&tpc=<-topic-.htm>&mgr=auth&type=<type-of-output>
.Send HTTP POST request to the modified help topic URL.
Provide authentication parameters in XML SOAP Envelope, as shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""><SOAP-ENV:Header /><SOAP-ENV:Body> <login> <UID name="username"></UID> <PWD name="password"></PWD> </login></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
When this request reaches RoboHelp Server, the server decodes the user credentials from the XML Soap Envelope and authenticates the user.
If successful, RoboHelp Server sends HTTP response in JSON format as shown below and redirects user to the requested page: '{"redirect":"Encoded Redirect URL of the Help Topic"}’
In case of any error, it sends HTTP response in JSON format as shown below: '{error:"Error Message"}'