Specify LDAP settings

If you want to use LDAP authentication for RoboHelp Server, specify the settings in the LDAP section of the Configuration Manager. For clear understanding of these settings, consider the following LDAP directory structure example:


The URL of your organization's LDAP server. This URL includes the scheme, host name, and port number; For example, ldap://myladpurl:389.

Base Node For User Search

The LDAP base node within which you want to find users. For example, If you want to search for regular employees within the sales department, then specify the value for this parameter as: ou=regular, ou=sales, dc=example, dc=com.

Base Node For Group Search

The LDAP base node within which you want to find groups. For example, if you want to search for groups within the personal department, then specify the value for this parameter as: ou=personal, dc=example, dc=com.

User ID Attribute Name

The LDAP node attribute that determines the user ID. In the given LDAP directory structure example, this attribute is defined as cn. The value of this attribute depends on the implementation of your LDAP directory structure.

Group ID Attribute Name

The LDAP node attribute that determines the group name. In the given LDAP directory structure example, this attribute is defined as ou.

Group Member Attribute

The attribute of the LDAP group node that determines the members of the group. For example, if you want to set this to regular employee group in the sales department, then specify the value as: member.