Barcoded Forms

Enables the automatic decoding of data from barcodes located on a form. This service also enables the automatic conversion of data that was extracted from the barcode into XDP or XFDF XML data format.

For information about using the Barcoded Forms service, see Adobe LiveCycle ES4.

Decode operation

Decodes all the barcodes in a document and returns another XML document that contains data that was retrieved from the barcodes.

Note: You cannot decode barcodes in a document that is a dynamic form that was filled in Acrobat and saved as a PDF file.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties


A document value that represents a PDF document or a TIFF image that contains one or more barcodes to decode.

PDF 417

A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes PDF417 barcodes.

Data Matrix

A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes Data Matrix barcodes.

QR Code

A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes QR Code barcodes.


A boolean value, that when set to True, decodes Codabar barcodes.

Code 128

A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes Code 128 barcodes.

Code 3 of 9

A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes Code 39 barcodes.


A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes EAN-13 barcodes.


A boolean value that, when set to True, decodes EAN-8 barcodes.


A Character Set (Barcoded Forms) value that represents the character set encoding value used in the barcode. The specified encoding value must correspond with that used in the barcode.

The default value is UTF-8. The following values are valid:

  • Big-Five

  • GB-2312

  • ISO-8859-1

  • ISO-8859-2

  • ISO-8859-7

  • KSC-5601

  • Shift-JIS

  • UTF-16

  • UTF-8

  • Hex

    Note: When Hex is selected, the raw byte data in the barcode is output as a Hex string in the <xb:content> element in the output XML. For example, if the barcode contains the UTF-8 characters "ABC", the data in the XML appears as 414243, where 41 is the hex representation of 'A', 42 is the hex representation of 'B', and 43 is the hex representation of 'C'. You can include application logic to convert this Hex value to the original content.

Output properties

Property to specify output data.


XML that contains all the barcode data that was retrieved from the barcodes. The data type is org.w3c.dom.Document.


This operation can throw a DecodingException exception.

Extract to XML operation

Converts delimited barcode data into XDP or XFDF XML data. This allows data that was retrieved from barcodes to be used in other service operations that require XDP or XFDF XML data.

Most implementations use delimited formats to provide high density in the barcode. This operation provides a means to convert from delimited format to XML format.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties

Properties for specifying the barcode data.

Decoder XML Output

A document value that contains delimited XML barcode data from the Decode operation.

Line Delimiter

A Delimiter value that represents the type of line delimiter that is used in the document containing barcode data. The line delimiter is the end-of-line character used to separate the field names line from the field values line.

The following values are valid:

  • Comma

  • Carriage_Return

  • Line_Feed

  • Tab

  • Pipe

  • Space

  • Semi_Colon

  • Colon

    The default is Carriage_Return.

Field Delimiter

A Delimiter value that represents the type of field delimiter that is used in the document that contains barcode data. The field delimiter is used to separate field names and values.

The following values are valid:

  • Comma

  • Carriage_Return

  • Line_Feed

  • Tab

  • Pipe

  • Space

  • Semi_Colon

  • Colon

    The default is Tab.

    Note: The form design should use different values for the line delimiter and field delimiter.

XML Format

An XMLFormat value that specifies whether to convert the barcode data into XML Data Package (XDP) or XML File Data Format (XFDF), which are Adobe-defined formats. The following values are valid:

  • XDP

  • XFDF

    The default is XDP.

Output properties

Property to specify the extracted XML.


A list value that contains values for each barcode. Each value consists of an XML document.

For information about retrieving values from a list, see Accessing data in data collections.



Barcoded Forms exceptions

The Barcoded Forms service provides the following exceptions for throwing exception events.


Thrown if an error occurs during a Decode operation.

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