This section
describes the number functions that are available in expressions.
the smallest integer value that is not less than a given numeric
value. Values are smaller in the direction of negative infinity.
The ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative
infinity) number that is not less than the argument and that is
an integer.
Syntax ceiling(Expression)
ParametersExpression is
an expression that returns a numeric value.
the largest integer value that is not greater than a given numeric
value. Values are larger in the direction of positive infinity.
Parametersnumber is
a numeric value.
number function converts a given numeric value to a number.
or one objects.
a whole number that is closest to a given numeric value.
Parametersnumber is
any numeric value:
If number is NaN,
NaN is returned.
If number is positive infinity, positive
infinity is returned.
If number is negative infinity, negative
infinity is returned.
If number is positive zero, positive zero
is returned.
If number is negative zero, negative zero
is returned.
If number is less than zero and greater
than or equal to -0.5, negative zero is returned.
If number is an equal distance from two
different numbers, the number that is closest to positive infinity
is returned.