Event type properties

* New for 9.5 *

Event types have the following properties:

Event Category:
The category to which the event type belongs. The event categories are Asynchronous, Exception, and Timer. You can create custom Asynchronous and Timer events.

The following tabs contain additional properties of the event type:

Data Schema:
Specifies the XML Schema Definition (XSD) of the data elements for the event data. The XSD describes the data elements reported on the event, the data types of the elements, and the order and multiplicity of each element.

Message Schema:
Specifies the XSD of the data elements for the event message data. The XSD describes the data elements for asynchronous event types, the data types of the elements, and the order and multiplicity of each element.

Specifies how the settings for the event type are configured and include the following properties:
  • Event Priority: Specifies the order in which processes handle simultaneous events. Valid values for priority are from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest priority.

  • Event Severity: Sets how severe the LiveCycle Server considers the event. Severity does not necessarily drive the priority. Severity is one of LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. In most cases, a HIGH severity event requires you to use high priority handling.

  • Initial States: Indicates whether the event type is initially Active or Inactive. An active event type indicates that events of that type can be thrown or received. If the event type is inactive, events of that type are not thrown or received. When the event type is reactivated, events are thrown or received again from that time forward

  • Event Activation: Indicates whether the event type is deactivated Upon Notification or Never. Upon Notification deactivates the event type when the listeners have acknowledged receipt of the event. Never specifies that the event type is never deactivated.

Display the properties of event types

* New for 9.5 *

To display the properties of an event type, complete one of the following tasks:

  • If the Events view is not visible, select Window > Show View > Events.

    In the Events view, double-click an event.

  • In the process diagram, right-click the event, and select Event Properties.

  • In the process diagram, select the event, and in the Process Properties view, click Event Properties.

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