Activating and deactivating event types

To be used in a process, an event type must be active. To prevent an event type from being used for maintenance or other administrative reasons, you can deactivate it. Deactivated event types are indicated with a universal No symbol  in the lower-right corner. You can activate or deactivate a single event type or an event group. When you deactivate an event type that is in use in a process, events of that type cannot be thrown or received, and the process can stall.

To use the event types that Rights Management provides, it is necessary to enable the Rights Management event handlers on the LiveCycle Server. They are disabled by default to conserve server resources at run time.

Deactivate event types

  1. If the Events view is not visible, select Window > Show View > Events.

  2. (Optional) In the Events view, click Display By Group  or Display By Category  button.

  3. In the Events view, right-click an event type or event group and select Deactivate. You cannot deactivate individual event types when you display events by group.

Activate event types

  1. If the Events view is not visible, select Window > Show View > Events.

  2. (Optional) In the Events view, click Display By Group or Display By Category button.

  3. In the Events view, right-click a deactivated event type or event group and select Activate. You cannot activate individual event types when you display events by group.

Enable Rights Management event types

  1. Start Administration Console by typing the following URL in a web browser:

  2. In the User ID box, type the administrator user name, and in the Password box, type the associated password. For the specific values to type, see your administrator.

  3. After logging in, click Services and then click Rights Management.

  4. Click Configuration, and then click Manual Configuration.

  5. Click Export, and specify a location to save the configuration XML file.

  6. Open the file in a text editor, and locate the SDK element:

  7. Modify the entry element that has the key attribute with the value EventHandlersEnabled so that the value attribute has a value of true:

    <entry key="EventHandlersEnabled" value="true" />
  8. Save the file.

  9. On the Manual Configuration page of Administration Console, import the configuration file:

    • Click Browse.

    • Specify the configuration file that you modified.

    • Click Import.

    • Click OK

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