
A complex data type that represents a user account from User Manager. This variable type is used to store the results of the Find User operation and Find Users operation operation that the User Lookup service provides. You can also use XPath expressions that resolve to User variables as values for the Initial User Selection property of Assign Task operation operations that the User service provides.

User variables contain attribute values for user accounts that exist in User Manager.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that User variables contain.


A string value that represents the canonical name for the user account.


A string value that represents the common name of the user account, such as Tony Blue.


A string value that represents the name of the User Manager domain that the user account belongs to.


A string value that represents the email address of the user account.


A string value that represents the surname of the user account, such as Blue.


A string value that represents the first name of the user account, such as Tony.


A string value that represents the initials of the user account.


A string value that represents the organization that the user account belongs to.


A string value that represents the postal address of the user account.


A string value that represents the identifier of the principal object that represents the user account. The principalOid uniquely identifies the user in the LiveCycle environment.


A string value that represents the telephone number of the user account.


A string value that represents the identification of the user account. The userId is the user name that is used to log in to LiveCycle.

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