Lets you handle the submission
of an HTML form from within Workspace. You can use this service
in a process map or to configure the submit service, which is a post-processing
step for an xfaForm variable.
It is not recommended that you modify this service directly as
it is possible to do so with Workbench. It is recommended that you
make a copy of the service, modify it, and then use your copy as
a post-processing step for an xfaForm variable.
Important: This process may be updated during upgrades
of LiveCycle and therefore, you may need to update your version
of the service.
A string value that represents
the HTTP header information, delimited by an ampersand (&),
that includes the server name, content type, and HTTP reference. The
user’s environment buffer may appear like the following value:
A document value that represents
the data to merge with the form during rendering.
If you provide
a literal value, when you click the ellipsis button , the
Open dialog box appears where the file that represents the data
can be selected from the local computer or a network location.
Target Url
A string value that specifies
the URL of the web application or servlet that the submitted form
data is sent to.
User Agent
A string value that specifies
a list of the user’s web browser settings, delimited by a semicolon
(;). For example, such a list may appear like the following value:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;
Output properties
New Render Flag
A boolean value that specifies
whether the form needs to rendered again to display to the user.
A value of True specifies that the HTML form needs
to be displayed to the user because either an error occurred while
trying to submit the HTML form or form data was passed but not necessarily
to submit the form. A value of False specifies
that the form does not need to be displayed to the user.
A string value that stores
the name of the route the user selected from within Workspace.
Submit Success Flag
A boolean value that specifies
whether the user submitted data. A value of True specifies
that data was submitted and a value of False specified
that data was not submitted.
Invocation Policy properties
Specifies whether to wait for a response after invoking
the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait
For Response. The default is Wait For Response.
Do Not Wait For Response
Specifies that no response is required
from the server.
Wait For Response
Specifies that a response is required from
the server before further processing.