process data to a directory on the FTP server and saves the data
as a file.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
File Details propertiesProperties that define the data to upload.
File ContentA The content should be type of document, xml, string or byte value that represents
a location in the process data model that contains the data that
you want to upload to the FTP server.
Remote File Details propertiesPath On FTP ServerA string value that represents
the path on the FTP server where you want to save the file. The
path does not include the file name. Specify the file name using the
File Name On FTP Server property. The path must contain a closing
slash, for example, /temp/input/.
File Name On FTP ServerA string value that represents
the name of the file to upload. The file name does not include the
path. Specify the path using the Path On FTP Server property. You
should include the file name extension if the file consumers need to
associate the file with software to open it.
File Transfer Mode propertiesProperties that specify details about data transfer.
File Transfer ModeA TransferModeEnum value that
represents the format of the file data that is transferred. Valid
values are Binary and ASCII.
should use binary transfer mode only if you are certain that the
computer that runs the LiveCycle Server and the FTP server interpret
ASCII characters in the same way. For example, different types of
computer systems interpret the end-of-file character differently.
Transferring text files from one computer type to another can result
in nonsensical characters being inserted at the end of the file.
transferring files in ASCII mode is marginally faster than transferring
in binary mode.
Connection Settings propertiesUse the Connection Settings properties to specify information
required for connecting to the FTP server.
Use Configuration OptionsA boolean value that specifies
whether to use the settings in the service configuration instead
of the settings specified in the properties of the operation. A value
of True means to use the default connection settings
configured for the FTP service. A value of False means
to use the settings configured in the properties for the operation.
you use a literal value to configure this property, selecting the
Use Configuration Options check box means to use the default connection
properties that are set for the FTP service. If you want to use
the connection settings specified in the operation, deselect the
Use Configuration Options check box
HostA string value that represents
the IP address or URI. For example, you can use the name of the
computer that is resolved by Domain Naming Scheme (DNS).
Port NumberAn int that represents the port
number for transferring files. The default port number is 21.
UserA string value that represents
the user name to connect to the FTP server. No default is provided.
PasswordA string value that represents
the password to use for authenticating with the FTP server. No default
is provided.
File Transfer Result propertiesProperties that specify where to save the operation results.
location to save the operation result. The data type is boolean. A value of True indicates
that the file was transferred. A value of False indicates
that the file could not be transferred.